Chapter Three

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"And I was in darkness, so darkness I became."

That night I barely slept

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That night I barely slept. Torturous nightmares seeped at my conscious every time I dozed off.

I remember Taehyung's haunting presence in one of my dreams. He was smiling at me with the same crooked perpetual grin. In his hand he was holding a pair of scissors and I remember snipping sounds coming from everywhere around us.

Taehyung then caught something – I can't remember exactly what it was - with his hand and stabbed it with the scissors while still smiling, a psychotic glint in his dark eyes. I remember blood spilling all over his hands and shirt and then I woke up, screaming.

I jerked wide awake in my bed, waking up faster than a cat in ice cold water. I sat up, my mind frantic and my lungs struggling to breathe normally. My eyes flung wide open, taking in every ray of sunlight penetrating through the curtains. Without a doubt, I'd slept too long.

I stared up at the high ceiling. Seeing as Julian was a big fan of classic architecture, everything in our house was designed in early Victorian style. Some found it classy, but it had an oppressive effect on me. I felt like I had traveled back in time to a darker, more sinister era, and I never felt fully at ease in this house.

I remembered leaving my window slightly ajar so that fresh air would penetrate inside my bedroom. Now, I could hear footsteps coming from the backyard, and a faint tune tumbling out softly.

I shuffled to the bathroom and washed up quickly, splashing cold water against my face. This felt refreshing, but I couldn't help but cringe upon looking at my reflection in the mirror. It stared back blankly, eyes sunken and complexion bleak and gaunt. I turned my face away, unable to look at myself for more than two seconds.

When I got out of the bathroom, the weird noises were still coming from the window. Knowing my mother fully well, I was completely sure that she won't be up for another three to four hours. The combination of wine and Vicodin knocked her out for a good twelve to fourteen hours and even after she woke up, she needed at least two more in order to start functioning like a normal person.

Tiptoeing, I scurried for the window and snuck a peek outside while standing behind the curtain.

Inadvertently, I let a soft gasp leave my mouth. My insides shrunk as my gaze cast upon Taehyung, his hands clutching around a shovel as he thrust it in the fresh soil. His shirt clinging to his muscular torso and his caramel skin glistening with sweat under the soft sunrays. A pair of black shades resting on top of his nose were blocking the view to his beautiful coffee brown orbs.

As if on cue, he glanced up and we locked eyes. It hadn't even been a good ten seconds before he sensed my presence. Startled, my mouth popped slightly agape as I tried to process the fact he had just caught me staring.

A grin spread over his face, wide and open, showing his pearly whites. He wiped the sweat on his forehead with the back of his hand and removed his hair from it.

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