Chapter Four

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"We are all performers in our own cages."

"Try again

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"Try again."

I couldn't see him, but I could feel his breath fanning lightly at my face. In my initial state of panic, every thought was in high definition. In a fit of inhuman strength, I pushed him off of me, rather easily I may say, and dashed for the light switch.

The light spilled over the room and illuminated Taehyung's form. He was standing completely still, his hands raised next to his face in a gesture of defeat like he had just been busted in the middle of a house burglary.

"I'm sorry." He wore an apologetic smile.

"What the hell!" I cussed under my breath, not understanding what was the fucking matter with him. "Why would you sneak up on me like that!"

"I'm so sorry!" he repeated. "I just came down here to grab a bottle of wine. I called out for you from the first floor, but you probably couldn't hear me. So I came down, the light went out and I just thought it would be funny to give you a jump scare. I'm regretting it now." He explained keenly, his large puppy eyes glistening with sincerity.

"This is fucked-up." I grumbled morosely.

"I meant no harm, I promise," Taehyung uttered. "I assumed we would have a good laugh afterwards, but it appears I was mistaken." His face sank with disappointment and suddenly I felt just a tiny bit sorry for lashing out at him, even though I knew this feeling of mine was completely fair.

"That's... alright," I swallowed heavily, struggling with the fact that for some reason I was letting this slide by. "You startled me, that's all."

"It was very stupid," he declared. "Please forgive me, Valerie."

"Don't sweat it," I said nonchalantly, stomping down and passing him by as I walked to the freezer and finally got the ice cream. "The wines are over there," I told him as I pointed at a door. He nodded gratefully and scurried hastily, grabbing a bottle of wine and walking back to me.

"Just one wouldn't do," I informed him. Knowing my mother, we'd need at least three, but I didn't tell him that.

"Got it," he nodded curtly and quickly got another one. The both of us walked upstairs in silence. I was embarrassed for the most part, having allowed Taehyung to see me like this, scared and panicky. I hoped he'd forget about it quickly, but the way his eyes would dart occasionally to me told me otherwise.

By the time lunch was ready it was already 2 pm, so I was famished. I, my mother and Taehyung sat around the table and for a long time, the sound of the utensils against the plates were the only ones that could be heard. I kept my eyes pinned at my meal so I wouldn't have to meet Taehyung's intrusive gaze every time I looked up.

Unsurprisingly, my mother was sipping wine as if it were water and it wasn't long before she entered phase one of her intoxication – charmingly tipsy.

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