Chapter Ten

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"Baby I'm a sociopath, sweet serial killer, on a warpath, but you know I love you just a little too much."


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"Hey, Jimin."

I leaned my back against the slick convertible, my legs crossed at the ankles in front of me.

A burst of booming laughter erupted from the group of boys a couple feet away from me, their gazes directed suggestively at one of them.

"Hey, Valerie," Jimin greeted shyly, his eyebrows slightly curled upwards in surprise and confusion.

"You guys leaving already?" I pointed my chin towards the seedy dump people called a bar, ignoring the obnoxious way Jimin's friends would elbow each other in the ribs behind his back.

"Yeah, uh... I mean," he rubbed the back of his neck. "We were just about to head to Jungkook's place, actually."

"Oh," I nodded slowly, toying with the car keys and twirling them around my finger. "I see."

"Uh, why- why are you asking?" he stuttered, coming closer towards me.

"Oh, no reason." I said, piquing his interest.

"What are you doing here?" Jimin pondered, his widened eyes traveling to the black convertible behind me. "I didn't know you had a car."

"I do now," I uttered confidently. "Oh, and I was just looking for some company."

"You were?" his eyebrows shot sky high, his forefinger pointing to his chest. "I mean- you- me? You're here for me?" his voice came out more high-pitched than normal and he cleared his throat to cover that up.

"Maybe," I replied, glancing at the car. "You wanna go for a ride?"

"Sure!" Jimin exclaimed enthusiastically as his whole face lit up.

"Get in," I ushered him, waving for him to follow me as I walked around the car and opened the door to the driver's seat.

"Cool!" his smile was contagious and he seemed to be glowing from the inside out as he jumped in swiftly in front of his friends' bewildered faces.

They started smacking each other by the arms sloppily, dancing around and making funny faces as I put the key into ignition and started the car.

"Valerie and Jimin, sitting on a tree... K-I-S-S-I-N-G..."

"Morons," Jimin mumbled, glaring at them in the rear view mirror.

I smirked, stepping on the gas pedal abruptly and gluing us both to our seats due to the sudden acceleration.

The convertible shot forward like a bullet. I'd never felt more alive in my entire life.


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