Chapter Six

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"What if the way we started made it something cursed from the start?"

"What if the way we started made it something cursed from the start?"

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I never went back downstairs for the rest of the weekend. I didn't care that I didn't eat, I simply couldn't put anything in my mouth without being afraid I would throw up right away.

The odd thing was, what happened the other day had somehow managed to instill a feeling of shame inside of me. Why, I had no idea. Taehyung's presence in our house made me feel tainted for some reason. I found myself wanting him gone as soon as possible, even though I was sure my mother would want him around for a long time.

Exactly what he wanted, I presumed.

The new week started and I had college classes to attend. Monday morning went by in a blur. I couldn't focus for a single second. Before I knew it, school was over and people were lining up in front of the exit. I slipped into the crowd and walked slowly, leaving a significant distance between myself and the others. I've never liked close proximity to people I don't know, so any kind of unnecessary physical contact weirded me out.

The bright sun rays pierced my eyes and I had to cover my forehead as soon as I walked out. Students had gathered in small groups, chatting gleefully. As I passed them by one by one, I couldn't help but notice several girls gathered in a circle, giggling and gushing in a silly way, glancing and pointing at something in the parking lot.

As I descended further down the steps, I finally saw him. My strides slowed to a leisure pace as my eyes took him in. A tall, familiar silhouette with a chest made of steel, leaning back against a slick black car. Arms crossed over his chest as he stared straight at me through his black sunglasses and a tiny smirk on his face.

Stunned but not scared, I stopped shortly in the middle of my steps. It didn't take too long to catch everyone's attention that this mysterious dashingly handsome man's gaze was focused solely on me. I'd never dealt well with being the center of attention and I didn't appreciate the spotlight now. Mildly frantic, I took a detour instead of continuing to walk towards the parking lot, and headed for the benches next to the building's entrance.

I doubted he'd be bold enough to go after me, not in this crowd at least, and moreover he seemed like he was calmly observing me with no intention of stirring drama. I had no idea where I was going, but I couldn't stop walking. If he was here to pick me up after school, there was no way I was going into that car with him. I'd rather walk a thousand miles on foot than spend another second alone with him.

I started brainstorming ideas of how to go home. The bus stop was all the way across the parking lot and there was no way for me to get there without passing by Taehyung. I desperately tried to think of another route, when...

"Hey, Va-le-rie!" someone called out mockingly for me and I knew I'd passed the school's bullies in their natural habitat. They loved to mess with me and call me names.

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