Chapter - 1

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"What do you mean he's in prison?!!" Jasmine Ivy O' Connell Stood up so fast that her apartment room began spinning around and around. She placed a hand against the wall in an attempt to regain her balance. 'being dizzy would not help anyone, and after all I have a big brother to save' She told herself.

"I mean exactly what I mean, Miss O' Connell," The man's voice came out of her phone, and the man wasn't sounding sympatric or even one bit sorry of the fact that her big brother had just been thrown into prison.

Jasmine sighed heavily,."Oh! Big brother! why do you have to be an idiot" she muttered, shaking her head in disappointment. It was not a that big shock for her that her big brother's behavior had landed himself in prison, but still couldn't believe that, after all the their times her teasing her big brother about him being taken to prison because of his constant misbehaving , she didn't actually ever seriously thought about him actually getting locked up.

"Miss O' Connell?" the man, possibly the jail's warden, asked when she had not said anything in a long time.

"Y-YES?" Her voice sounded more like squeak than her usual lower shy but strong tone.

Jasmine took a deep breath, she has this quality of her big brother that she can stay calm in life - threatening situation. But she love her big brother to death so hearing this news scared her a lot.

The warden let out a laugh as if he found the situation extremely hilarious. Jasmine was about to snap at him but stop and told herself ' calm down jasmine, you big brother life is in his hand, try and be nice'. But the thought of her big brother dying made the silent tears roll down her rosy cheeks. she choke back a sob as she cried silently but she managed to ask " If you don't mind me asking, Sir, Why exactly is he in prison?" without losing the power in her voice this time.

"I figured you would ask that, Miss O'Connell, so I when I got the chance, I asked him myself ....He said he was 'just looking for a good time'."

'big brother why, why can't you think before you do something rash' she thought as she silently cried pressed her tiny hand - as her big brother like to say - to her naturally pink lip so no sound comes escapes her and give the warden one more reason to emotionally torture her big brother.

"And where is this prison, sir" she asked keeping her strong face up.

"That would be in Cairo, Miss"

"ok" she said her voice above whispers

"Well, that would be all, Good day to you, Miss O'Connell, and I look forward to meeting you soon". *Click* He hung up on her.

Jasmine unable to hold herself any longer, she collapsed on the floor beside the table where the telephone was. She sobbed, for half-an-hour or so, then realized that her big brother wasn't going to jump out of the blue and comfort her.

She stood up, wiped her tears, and remembered Evan and decided call him but then she remembered how she meet him.


Jasmine's Pov

I was waiting for her big brother Rick in the local park to come and take her home. I turned to see some boys coming toward her till they were in front of her, A boy took a step forward and she took a step back. "Awww no need to be afraid of me, I just want to have some fun with you" the boy said. "Excuse me sir, but my brother told me not to talk to strangers" I said keeping her head down. I was scared, "oh come on, your idiot of a brother will never know about this" the boy said getting to close to her wrapping my hands around her arm tightly it started to hurt me, suddenly he yelped and jerked his hand back it was lightly burned. but not just his hand but my arm had his hand marks and it was reddish. what he said about her brother made her very angry. She pushed him away and "I will never lie to my big brother, and you dare not say anything about my big brother like that." She warned the boy. The boy slapped her and punched her in the stomach, and started calling her names. A boy came toward her, she was crying, calling for her big brother or anyone to help her but no did, when he came close to her she thought he was going to hurt her too but he didn't instead he stood in front of her protectively, he looked a few years older than her. "Leave her alone," said the good guys, " But the boy who was bullying her said, "come on Evan, I am just having my revenge and having a time, that witch, burned my had and rejected ME, She rejected me" Said the boy to the 'Evan' guy. "Go away, before I give more than just a burned hand' the Evan guy growled. The other boy and his friends looked scared and run away. the Evan' guy turned and gave me a small smile and said "Hello little Angel, I'm Evan Winter, can this hideous guy get the honor of knowing this beautiful angel's name" in fake British accent, this made Jasmine giggle and she said wisely, "True beauty comes from within, you are handsome to sir, inside and out, if you weren't then you wouldn't have helped me, and My name is Jasmine Ivy O' Connell, Thank you for helping me earlier sir" she said holding her stomach cause it was hurting a lot and she was starting to get dizzy. "It alright, no need to thank me, do you need me to take you home, you don't look so well? and please don't call me sir, I'm just a year older than you, come on let's get this little angel to her home" Evan said as picked me up in his arms princess style, and started walk towards the gate of the park. I started feeling tired and I yawned, Evan noticed this and said "take a nap" I muttered a small OK and feel asleep. I trusted Evan like I trusted big brother.

time skip

I woke up two voices, both familiar, I opened my eyes, I noticed I was at the orphanage we live in, Big brother arguing with Evan, I went to Evan, hugged him, stood tip toes cuz he was very tall kissed his cheeks and said "Thank you" and then went to my big brother rick and sat on his lap and put his arms around me. "He saved me big brother, he scared away the bully who was hurting me, and told me, he will take me to you, I don't I felt I could trust me so I did, he was a nice big brother to me just like you are, don't shout at him" I said to my big brother quietly but I was quite sure Evan could hear me. "he did really" big brother asked me "yes" I said nodding my head. "Thank you, Evan. For helping my little sister, I don't know how to thank you" Big brother was cut off by Evan saying, "No-no-no, there is no need to thank me but I wanted to ask you that can I be friends with little angel because she herself called my big brother and I never had a sister, so, I you don't mind-" this time Big brother cut him off and said "You don't need to ask me, you have proved you will take care of her like she is your own little sister" Rick said with a smile. I was shocked rick is super-over-protective over me but then I smile now I have a best friend.

Before Evan went out of the door he turned bend a little cuz I was smaller compare to him and put his index and thumb under my chin and angled my head so my head was up and said "Lift your head up Princess if not the crown will fall" and placed a flower crown on my head, I smiled at him. after Evan went Big brother asked me if I got hurt somewhere, I can never lie to my brother and removed the jacket Evan must have put on me while I was sleeping, showed big brother my arm, he gently touched my arm, I winced and big brother looked like he is going to cry and then said somewhere else I like up my top to shown the bruise in my tummy. Suddenly rick hugged me "I'm so-so sorry I wasn't there to protect you, baby girl, forgive me" big brother said as tear fell down. "Big brother, where the bad guy came close to me and grabbed my arm it started to hurt, then it started to burn both of us, big brother is something wrong with me?" I said with tears in my eyes. Rick looked thoughtful but then smiled at her sister lovingly, "It is because you are very special, there is nothing wrong with you baby sis, I guess father did gave a letter for you, it said you are special, and you promise to someone already, no one other than him can will touch you, in a different way." big brother said. I put my head down and said "sorry big brother, I didn't be strong back then" I said sadly. "Ivy always remember this, head up, stand tall, smile, be proud, you are strong, very strong, you know why?" big brother told/asked "Why" I asked confused. "Because you are my baby sister" big brother said kissing my forehead. I smiled and nodded my head telling I'll remember it. Then big brother and I brushed our teeth, said our pray together and I fell asleep in my big brother arms.

*end of flashback*

she started to pack her bag, put all her saving in her bag. she packed every necceary thing in two shoulder bags, one with her things and other with her big brother's things that she thought he will be needing. Then she went to the telephone called Evan, when he picked up "Evan I found him" she breathed. Good thing she was very close to the location only 2 hours travel. I have been searching for him for two and a half years after we got separated in French Foreign Legion battle.


So this is my first the mummy fan fiction...

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A/N: you can ask me anything really?

RANDOM FACT : Winter last 21 yrs in Uranus

Ramdom Fact about me: I have brown eyes

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