• jealous •

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Kageyama POV
"O...Oikawa?" I stutter, looking at the team blankly. "Are we playing Aoba Johsai?"

"It's nice to have you here" Daichi says, shaking Oikawas hand.

I look around at everyone else, and just get a glance at Hinata coming out of the back door.

I assume he was in the bathroom, probably throwing up.

But his sick face lights up when he sees Aoba Johsai, or most likely a singular member.

I turn to see Oikawa, who's looking at him the same way.

Oikawa runs up to the middle of the court, and Hinata meets him half way.

"You're names Hinata, right?" Oikawa says. I can tell that the rest of the gym is as confused as I am.

Hinata smiles and nods at him and mouths, 'Oikawa'

"So you do remember" Oikawa says to him.

They seem to be having a legit conversation, although all of the mouth movements are exaggerated and there's lots of hand movements.

I somehow find myself tugging Hinata on the collar of his shirt and staring daggers at Oikawa.

When I do, I see Iwaizumi doing the same thing, although he's not staring at Hinata, but at Oikawa himself.

"Quit it" Iwaizumi tells him, apologising to both of us.

I guess he didn't realise that I was there, because when I looked up he started looking at me weirdly.

"Hey Iwaizumi" I tell him blankly.
"Hey" he says back. "It's been awhile"

"How'd you become such great friends with somebody who's so out of your league?" Oikawa says from Iwaizumis grasp, glancing at Hinata.

"Out of my league?" I repeat "What's that supposed to mean?"

Him and Iwaizumi glance at each other and smile, before going to join their team to warm up.

Hinata wiggles out of my grasp, I forgot I was even holding him.

"How do you even know Oikawa" I tell him, bending down so he can easily read my lips.

He takes out his phone and types:

Met him at a child care centre

Before I have time to respond he's already walking over to practice.

A child care centre?
That's the last place I'd except either one of them to be.

It looks like that meeting with Oikawa really did calm Hinatas nerves, because he was just staring into space as usual.

Unlike Hinatas personality, I would describe Oikawas as sort of forced sociopathic, that he alters his personality but he's aware of it.

When he was talking to Hinata however, he seemed completely like himself.

When the game started, we were losing pretty badly.

When the score was 12-16, I could tell Hinata was feeling down about it.

He tried not to show it, and bit his lip out of anger.

I wanted to say something to him, but before I even had the time to tap him on the shoulder, Oikawa got his attention from the other side of the net.

"Calm down, shorty" he said. "Try waiting a little before hitting the ball" he said, using actions to make his sentence make more sense.

Something about seeing them talk together pissed me off, but I couldn't quite get my finger on it.

DEAF HINATA AU - The Sound of SilenceWhere stories live. Discover now