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Four Years Later
Both Kageyama and Hinata have graduated highschool, (I guess they're like 18-19) but they haven't talked in some time.

They're both studding for college, as well as joining high ranking volleyball clubs.

Hinata came back to Miyagi for school and Kageyama hasn't moved since.

But now, everything will change again.

Hinata POV
I got out of the taxi and breathed in the fresh Miyagi air.

It smells and tastes exactly like I remembered, food and grass lingered in the air, which was a relief from the smoke and mint in Kyoto.

It was exactly how I remembered it, expect there were less trees and the south side didn't feel like a graveyard.

It was lively and beautiful now.

I slung my backpack over my shoulder and walked to the middle intersection.

Memories of walking to school flooded back to me and I smiled thinking about them.

I ended up walking to Karasuno and the nostalgia hit me like a bus.

Out front there were a couple of signs from different clubs, even the volleyball one at that.

"Come on dude, it's not that funny"

I felt a shiver from my feet all the way up my spine when I heard someone speak from across the street.

He was with a group of people, and they were playfully teasing him for some reason.

I didn't care about who he was with, and I didn't see what he looked like since he was behind him, but that voice was too familiar to be irrelevant.

It was deeper and clearer from what I remembered, but it was definitely his.

I crossed the street and tapped him on the shoulder. His eyes widened when he saw who I was.

"Give me a second you guys" he said to his friends "I'll catch up with you after"

After they left, we were alone.

"Long time no see, stranger" I said, smiling at him.

"Is that you, Hinata?"

I took a good look at him.

He's taller from when I last saw him. Way taller than me. Then again, I was never going to catch up to him any time soon.

His hair was still blackish blue and droopy, but the sides were shaved a little. He still had his stupid little bangs though.

I saw he had a black ear piercing, it looked so cool.

I'd shaven my sides a bit too, and got two small helix ring piercings when I turned 17.

"Long time no see, big guy" I told him. "How've you been, Kageyama?"

We walked together to the north side shops and sat down by the bay with coffee.

"You still playing volleyball?" I asked, blowing on the hot drink.

"Yeah..." he said "I'm actually looking at going professional after school"

"School? You're still in college? I thought you would've dropped out after the first month"

"Haha, very funny"

He said sarcastically.

The old Kageyama probably would have lashed out at me, playfully grabbing my hair and insulting me back.

But he just said that, looking out onto the ocean and sipping his coffee.

As I watched the wind blow through his hair and his cold eyes shimmer in the small sunlight, it was like I fell in love all over again.

"How much have you grown since I last saw you" he asked.

"Not as much as you have! You're well over six feet now"

He scoffed at me.

"You came back for school, right?"

I nodded.

"You have anywhere to stay yet?"

"My college has a dorm that I payed for already. They said I can come in tomorrow. I was thinking of just booking a hotel for today"

"How about you stay at mine. It's big enough for two people"

"You still staying at your parents house?"

"Nah, I moved into an apartment not long ago"

We hung out the rest of the day; visited some of our old friends and the old volleyball court.

He even threw me a few tosses.

We talked about my family and his school life, and even about some friends we had made.

By the time it came around to eight, we got take away pork buns and came to his place.

It was smaller than I thought it was, considering his parents had so much money I thought he would have bought a house by now but it looks like he payed for this himself.

It was modern and smelled nice. We ate dinner and sat on his bed, watching a movie.

Although, we weren't really watching it, it was sort of just the background noise to our conversation.

We had a couple to drink.
He had a surprisingly high drinking tolerance. That is, considering that I was fucked up after the first beer.

"So, you went to your first highschool party when you were seventeen?!"

I teased, laughing historically.

"Oi!" he said "I'm not as outgoing as you are, dumbass!"

I couldn't stop laughing.

"What about your friends that you left behind earlier today?" I asked, hiccuping.

"They were some volleyball friends" he said, taking another sip. "But none of them can jump as high as you!"

"Oh yeah..." I said, coming closer to him, practically throwing my face into his. "What do they have that I don't"

We were both extremely drunk at this point.

"Nothing" he said. "Absolutely nothing"

I could smell the light alcohol on his breath and soon, I could taste it.

He kissed my lips, more intensely than when we said goodbye all those years ago.

I held his face and kissed him back, slipping my tongue into his mouth.

In an instant he was on top of me, and taking off my shirt.

I felt myself unbuckling his jeans, giggling as he took off his shirt.

The once cold night was now hot and sweaty, but I loved every moment of it.

Four years was gone in an instant, and we made up for it all in a single night.

I listened to his voice.
And I came back to him.

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