Prom Queen

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I stumbled into the cute little diner, that I had driven past almost everyday on my way to school. I had never walked through those doors before. The ring of the door followed behind me as I stepped into the unfamiliar heated building. 

I breathed in the strong smell of breakfast food and blinked as my eyes adjusted to the lighting. My dress dragged close behind my feet, I turned my head to see the diner almost completely deserted except for the elderly couple sitting in a booth near the farthest window.

I tucked my dress as I took a seat at the counter. I set the plastic crown I had received earlier that night down and peered at the menu.

The pounding in my head slowly began to fade away. The old-timey music crackling through the speakers was surprisingly calming. My mind was fuzzy with broken thoughts.

"Can I take your order?" The gentle sound of her throat clearing caught my attention. I looked up at the waitress standing behind the counter in front of me.

I noticed the freckles on her face that dotted her tan skin first then I discreetly gazed into her green eyes that were surrounded by her long dark eye lashes.

"Oh uh, the French toast and um a sprite please." I smiled up at her.

"Okay, is that all? Your majesty" She examined my dress and the crown. She quietly laughed to herself with a small grin on her face.

"Yeah, thank you." I let a small laugh as I rolled my eyes, trying my best to keep my cheeks from blushing.

 I got a chance to read her name tag as she brushed her long brownish blonde hair off her shoulder. Addison.

I watched her walk around to the kitchen tightening her apron as she turned the corner. 

I checked my phone for any messages I had missed but I was greeted by a black screen. Just now remembering that my phone had died back at the dance. I stared at the clock that slowly ticked away on the far side of the wall. 

My feet swung in small circles around the the legs of the stool. I fidgeted with my hands waiting for my food.

The bell on the door rang behind me. The chair beside me became occupied by a middle aged man who tossed his coat on the chair next to him.  

I turned my head to see all the empty stools along the counter. I tried to ignore his eyes that inspected my silk baby blue dress. He didn't say anything for a few minutes.

"This dress is stunning young lady." He smiled, showing his rotten teeth and the stench of booze escaping his mouth.

"oh um, thank you." I pursed my lips and forced a smile.

"Let me feel the fabric." He insisted as he ran his hands down my shoulders. I gulped out of discomfort. 

"I-i dont feel comfortable with you- you know.." I awkwardly said as I tried to squirm away.

"Oh darling its fine, i'm one of them gays. Don't be homophobic, you wouldn't want to hurt my feelings right?" He pulled my chair closer to his while his hands caressed my legs.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Addison with my sprite coming over. Right then I could feel the man's hands creep up my dress.

"Well, I'm gay so I highly doubt i'm homophobic." I pushed his hands away from my body. 

"Oh don't lie to me darling. I bet even if you were I could change-" The sound of a cup being set down interrupted us. I turned my head up at Addison who eyed the man with no expression on her face.

"Hank are you going to order something or are you going to keep bothering my girlfriend?" She took out her note pad and a pencil as she raised her eyebrows waiting for an answer.

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