Morning After

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I cant even remember how I snuck back into my house last night but I woke up with a full face of makeup and a crazy hangover. 

I ran to my bathroom to throw up which is where I ended up staying for most of Sunday afternoon. Luckily my parents had already left for church as they did every week, they stopped taking me with them a few weeks after they found out about me.

My mom said she didn't think the town would approve of a homosexual attending church but that was fine by me.

I've been trying to remember every detail from last night, what I said and how I acted but its all a fog. 

I wiped off my mascara and threw Addie's hoodie in the washing machine. I finally checked my phone, apparently there was a rumor going around that I was arrested at Henry's party which led to a bunch of people texting to check up on me.

I hopped in the shower and turned up the music trying to relax.

There were only a few more days until graduation and I now think I have some of my future planned out.

No one really knows that I've been accepted to a big ten college except my parents who i'm sure are pleased with me leaving Riverside so I'll stop ruining the family name. I was originally planning to go to the technical college in town but now I've realized that if I don't get out of here I may never get the chance to leave again.

This has opened so many doors for me that I hadn't realized were available. With the money my grandparents left for me I can afford an education and get out of Riverside. Theres nothing keeping me here.

I stepped out of the shower and wrapped my fresh towel around my body. I brushed the tangles out of my hair. Before I could put on some clothes the door bell rang. I hurried down the stairs thinking it was my parents who might have forgotten their key.

I swung the door open but when I saw who it was I could feel my face turn beet red out of embarrassment. Addie was standing before my drenched body. 

"Oh sorry, I uh got your address from one of your friends. So I thought i'd stop by and make sure you were okay after everything from yesterday." I watched as her eyes averted from my body awkwardly.

"Yeah, of course. thats so thoughtful of you. I was going to stop by the diner to thank you for everything you did for me after -you know I got done with my shower." I smiled while trying to keep my towel up.

She lingered for a second before she spoke another word. 

"We should uh hang out some time." She sounded nervous, I watched as she ran her hands through her silky wavy hair.

"Yeah, uh we should do something-as friends." I bit the inside of my cheek.

"Oh-um yeah as 'friends' of course. I'll give you my snap so we can arrange something." She softly cleared her throat.

 "Sure, here's my phone if you want to put it in." I handed her my phone. I was a little mesmerized at how she tapped the screen with such calm focus.

I reached for my phone once she was finished but the thought of keeping my towel up slipped my mind as it loosened enough to slide off my body and hit the floor before I could adjust it.

"Shit, shit" I panicked as my body was totally exposed to Addie and probably any neighbors who were outside.

"Oh god, here." She lunged through the doorway and shut the door behind her so no one could see through. 

I quickly picked the towel up off the floor and tried my best to wrap it around my body, I looked up once it was securely on to see Addie's back turned to me.

"Thanks, uh you can turn around now." I let out an embarrassed chuckle.

"Right." She clicked her tongue and turned around, I felt her gaze fall upon my body as she fumbled with her hands. 

"Do you want anything to drin-" before I could finish my sentence my parents walked through the back door.

"shit" I mumbled.

"Hailey you better tell your 'friend' goodbye, you've got shit to do." My dad's voice boomed, I turned to my mom who had a horrified look in her eyes. 

"I better get back to the diner for the evening rush uh-bye." Addie's awkwardly smiled up at me. 

I watched as she walked out of the door then I rolled my eyes quickly turning to my parents.

"Thats it! Hailey, I lied when I said I was okay with the whole gay thing but i'm not going to stand by and watch you ruin that girl's life. I don't even want to know what you were planning on doing naked like that." My mom yelled out.

"Oh my god mom, were just friends." I let out an irritated sigh.

"Dont lie to us, we know what 'just friends' means and we won't stand for it. Your mother and I have been discussing your future plans and now I think its obvious that you don't belong in Riverside." My dad crossed his arms in a frustrated manner.

"Wh-what are you saying? You're kicking me out? Of course you are." I scoffed.

"Hailey, you're an adult now. College is right around the corner, your cousin Grace lives in Cincinnati and you can stay with her until you move into Xavier. Besides, the people there are more free spirited than here anyways." My mom's voice was a little softer now but there was still a tone of aggressiveness. 

"Its for the best." My dad added with furrowed eyebrows.

"This is fucking ridiculous, i'm you're only child and this is how you treat me?" I shouted out as I ran upstairs to my room with tears forming in my eyes.

Now I feel like I have less control over my life than before, the day I graduate is the day my life truly starts. My cousin Grace is probably the only person in my family thats cool with me being gay, she's a few years older than me and has her own place with her boyfriend. Living with them isn't the worst thing, it may actually be a good thing.

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