Say Something

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Graduation is only a day away and my room is pretty much completely packed up. After graduation i'm driving myself up to Cincinnati to move in with Grace.

 I haven't talked to my parents since they saw me with Addie. I want to believe we're just friends but I know theres something going on between us, i'm not even certain she's actually into girls. She could just be experimenting but a part of me is convinced she's not using me. Addie seems to be one of the only people in town who understands me.

"Grace, do you want a slice of cake?" Sarah called out to me, snapping me out of my thought.

"Yeah sure, thanks." I answered my soccer teammate who had a bunch of frosting on her face.

Tonight was the end of the season banquet for my soccer team. All the parents were there except  for mine but I hardly cared, they never really went to my games anyways. 

We all got our awards and senior send offs, I got my pictures taken with all my friends on the team. 

"Hailey dont graduate just yet, stay another year." Kelly frowned up at me before Sarah took the picture.

"Yeah right. Don't worry I won't forget about my favorite freshman." I assured her and laughed to myself.

"Alright guys time for a team picture." I called everyone over.

We all lined up in position and put our smiles on. The multiple flashes went off and I could have sworn for a quick second I didn't want to leave. 

I said goodbye to my teammates and coaches, id been with them for so long it was hard to leave even if it was time.

"I'm leaving, i'm leaving, i'm leaving." I kept repeating those words under my breath as I unlocked my car door.

I checked my phone before I stepped on the gas, there was a notification from Addie. My heart rate increased. I let out quick breath and opened it.

"Hey, if you can, can you stop by the diner tonight, I think we should talk." It read. 

I responded with a "sure, be there in a min" then without thinking I hit the gas in the direction of the diner.

I turned onto 5th street but instead of pulling into the diner parking lot, I pulled my car onto the side of the road. I didn't even register what she meant by "we should talk". I can't get ahead of myself, I don't even know what i'm going to say.

I worked up the courage to drive my car into the parking lot. I slowly got out and walked through the single glass door, the sound of the bell went off once again. 

There were a few people scattered throughout the diner but I easily spotted Addie who motioned me over to the kitchen. 

"Hey, thanks for coming. I know its late." Addie untied her apron and peered over at the other workers and took my hand, bringing me into the back room.

"Yeah of course, what did you want to talk about?" I looked down at her soft hand which was still holding mine.

"I- uh wanted to talk to you about... us." She cleared her throat gently.

"Addie, believe me I like you b-but I'm leaving Riverside tomorrow." My voice hitched.

  "You're leaving? Where are you going?" She furrowed her eyebrows at me.  

"My parents are making me move to Cincinnati to live with my cousin before I attend Xavier in the fall." I sighed

"You're joking, right?" She scoffed but it sounded more downhearted than anything.

"Addie, I'm sorry but I have to get out of this town. Lets be honest I don't really have anything keeping me here." I watched as she pushed a strand of her hair behind her ear.

She stayed silent.

"Say something." I tried to keep my voice from cracking.

"I dont know, Hailey. I just thought we were just a little more than friends." She kept her gaze away from my eyes.

"Believe me, I like you Addie but I wasn't planning on getting attached to anyone. I can't stay in Riverside." I scratched my cheek anxiously. 

"I get it, Hailey. I mean I'm finally transferring to Ohio State for my junior year and trust me i'm not going to be returning to this shit town either." She inhaled with pursed lips.

"Thats great Addie, i'm happy for you. Thats why we should have our own lives without needing anything holding us back." I stared at her feet instead of her dark green eyes.

"Really thats your best answer? What are you so afraid of? A relationship?" She shook her head apprehensively.

"Addie I just don't believe in young love, it doesn't last. All my friends and their idiot boyfriends throw around the word 'love' so much that it loses meaning I mean come on they can't all be soulmates." I gnawed at the inside of my cheek and watched as her face reacted to my honest words.

"I've seen your friends and their boyfriends, its blatantly obvious that they won't last. They'll probably murder each other before they say their vows. But if thats your stance on love I won't try to change your mind, I think you'll figure things out when you're out in the real world. Just know that whenever you're ready, you have my number." She let out a faint smile as she handed me a piece of paper, I watched as she grabbed her apron and headed back to attend tables.

I was left frozen in my shoes trying to wrap my head around what she just said. 

I finally walked out of the diner, I knew it was the last time i'd hear that bell. I heard it ringing in my ears even as I got into my car. It didn't feel welcoming anymore, it brought just me stress.

I should have never walked into that stupid diner on prom night, I could've gone to any other restaurant in town, why did I have to go to the one with the perfect girl?

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