C H A P T E R 3

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Author's Note: Hello guys! Sorry for the late update. But even so, I hope you guys support my story. This might not be good but I hope you could bare with it.

Ps. You will encounter Typographical and Grammatical errors ahead.


■The Unexpected Turn of Event

Jake's POV

I woke up because of the sunlight coming through my glass window, as I rub my eyes and trying to clear my sight. I checked the digital watch on the side table beside my bed and realized I woke up late. Hmmm I woke up 9AM, that's because I'm tired.

My phone vibrated so I checked it. What? I didn't turn off my internet? My battery life went down to 20%. There is a message on my email so I opened it, and it was from the name 'Mr. Reality'. Hmm, what a weird name.

So I read the message and this is what it says, "Hello Jake! I am Mr. Reality. I am inviting you to join my newly-built RPG. I am aware that you are the Captain of Lightborn Warriors, but I want you to try this out. You will definitely use your ability here."

Wow, what an introduction! I checked the time when it was sent and it was 8:30AM, Today. I continue reading the message saying...

"This RPG might suit to your skills. I have seen how you fight and defeat uncountable group..."

Really?? This guy is kinda weird and mysterious..

"...therefore I invited you. If you agree please press the 'CONTINUE' button below and a form will automatically reveal."

After that I scroll up for a bit and there I saw a green button with the word 'Continue' on it. I decided to continue so I press it and a fill-up form showed up.

Name?? I'll go with Medie. After that I filled up other requirements such as height, weight, and age base on my real identity. And what amaze me is that there is a Magic and Weapon needed, and there is a note with it saying, "Just type the name of your desire Magic, and let your mind know its capabilities and how will you use it."

Hmm that's....weird, I must say. I just filled-up their Word Magic, but it is not the Word Magic that I always watch on anime. I was thinking of Gwen Tennyson's magic. It is quite OP, but there's no warning about it though.

Same as the weapon part, I must put on the weapon name and I'll just keep on my mind its capabilities and uses. It is quite hard to think of I weapon though.

It took me couple of minutes to think and there I put Wand. It is me who will think its uses and capabilities so I'll go with it.

The last form really is weird. There is also a note saying, "Despite of having a Magic, what character would you like do be? A Fighter? An Assassin? A Tank? or just a simply Mage?"

Seriously, this RPG is on another level. Hmmm since I know Karate, a fighter or an assassin would be better but I must choose one. Hmmm....*After 5 minutes*

Ah! I will choose Assassin for now. After filling up the requirements, I press the 'OK' button below and a note appear saying, "NOTE: I also invited other Role Players around the world, so must be aware."

After that I just press the 'OK' button again and a Congratulation message showed up. I just ignore it and exit as I received again another message came from the same account; Mr. Reality.

It says, "The Main event will start tomorrow 12:30PM. I wish you all to attend the event. But even if you don't attend, you will forcefully joined the event.", and there the message automatically deleted itself including the previous message.

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