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[Third Person POV]

Lost in thought and in the river of confusion. Raizel settled herself upstairs in her room, gazing sadly at the three objects left with her always. Having no idea that her emotions have already been felt by the certain empath, and her thoughts being heard by the telepath from all the way downstairs of the Cullen home. Edward and Jasper shared a look as Alice sat beside her mate trying to see something out of Raizel. So far, nothing yet.

Carlisle and Esme descended down the stairs seeing their concerned and focused looks. He turned to his adoptive daughter


She shakes her head sadly "Nothing yet"

Carlisle nodded taking that for an answer "Let her get used to" and give Esme a soft kiss before leaving to work in the hospital.

Alice then decided to take Jasper on a hunt, Rosalie retired early to her room with Emmett. Edward took liberty in grocery shopping for the new human since he read Esme's thoughts concerned about with less food in the kitchen, he had nothing better to do anyways, so he helped his own mother figure. Esme stayed in the house or somewhere nearby in case Raizel needed anything.


Back at the dimly lit room, Raizel had decided to take a nap but had actually fallen to a long needed sleep on her bed, flaunting Raizel to a strange dream of certain objects that she may have known or have not known for.


It started all in pitch black, but then a tiny blue sparkle started to show at the very center, abruptly exploding, it's light expanded the dark space, and blue smoke reveal on the ends. What's now coming from the center was tiny, slowly become bigger as it reaches closer to Raizel's view. It was the same symbol on her crest, and two more showed up beside it, taking different sides. Then it hit Raizel again, these two new crest symbols were the same ones she received in scars on her leg from the past. But why is it all showing up in her dream now? Suddenly all the crest symbols disappeared into blue smoke as the familiar odd chest showed up next. The odd looking silver chest with intricate designs on the sides, and at the center had the eye catching circle shape with eight blue sapphire looking jewels around it, like the numbers on a clock. The chest slowly opened with a triggered clicked as it was a safe being opened.

<End Dream>

Before Raizel could finally glimpse on what's inside. Out of control, her body jerked awake but the dream lingered around in her mind trying to make the connection between her crest and the scars, the odd chest together, still it didn't make any sense. Raizel sits up on her bed finding herself back to reality where she's being let in by a total strangers home in open arms. Though she found it weird, but it was better than nothing.

Checking her large window to see it was sundown now. Raizel went out to explore the house finding her way downstairs, Esme was reading some book in the living room, her footsteps from the staircase brought Esme's attention away from her book and to the human teenager.

"Hungry?" she asked kindly

"A bit" Raizel said quietly that barely a human could hear but with vampire hearing, Esme proceeded to the kitchen. Raizel trailed behind her

"It's okay, since you're the guest I'll make something." Esme said as she scan the drawers filled with fresh groceries from Edward.

"Are you sure? Cause I can just make my own. I can promise to not burn the kitchen down" Raizel rambled making Esme laugh shortly at her 'joke'. It confused Raizel, cause a part of her was actually being serious, her past adoptive parents didn't entirely trust her with the kitchen, some of the others made her starve so she was forced to learn by her own. But Raizel kept silent letting Esme be amused with her words.

RAIZEL [Adopted by the Cullen's] Where stories live. Discover now