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[Carlisle's POV]

A talk is sometimes what others need to spit their hearts out in order to feel better. In my years through medical field, it is essential to learn how to coax or soothe out a talk with patients, especially the mentally broken ones.

When Raizel was finally finished with what I suggested her to do. We both met in the hallway and I took liberty leading her to my office, a minute later Esme trailed behind us. Entering in the quiet room, we've been silent. I gestured to a chair right in front of my desk Raizel took the hint while Esme and I stayed by on the table leaning half of our weight on it so we're half standing just across from Raizel.

I start first "I know it's been a day, but I just wanna ask how are you feeling with this Raizel? Honestly, like how are you adjusting?"

Her heartbeat picked up a bit, was she afraid to tell the truth? Or to hurt our feelings? I wasn't entirely sure. But Raizel composed herself, sitting properly on the chair, "I'm good, your family's service and kindness is really over the top. Which is great I mean...no one has ever done this to me as you guys do. I'm very grateful for...So thank you..Sorry that I rambled"

With that she let out a chuckle in embarrasement, so did Esme and I to assure her. "It"s fine, at least we know you're okay." Esme said

I coughed a bit "But what are your plans then? Til you get back on your feet" I asked her per usual in a gentle tone. A habit of mine, as a doctor for centuries.

Raizel shrugs first, her leg passively bouncing up and down nervously "Maybe to find a job somewhere, so to provide me with some money and I'll be able to move out of your hair. Not that I'm so desperate, it just feels like I'm intruding" she quickly raised her hands as if to mean no harm.

"Raizel, we really don't mind. If anything you brought a good change in our routine around here" Esme calmly respond, making Raizel feel the same lowering her hands down.

"Still, I'm gonna do my part soon. Don't worry, plus it'll be nice to travel here and there" Raizel waves it off, looking interested on the floor.

Esme and I shared a look, filled with worry and concern. No matter how much we hate to trigger more on Raizel, we want to help her as much as we can for her.

"And where will you go?" I asked, gently trying to approach the topic about her plan in her stay.

"Anywhere?" A nervous laugh erupted from her shortly "It might sound crazy, but I've been feeling all over that I need to go somewhere but I just don't know where exactly."

"To be free but can't find the resting haven place." Esme stated


"Is it alright for you, if we ask about your past or current events before you came here?" I asked, expressing it's alright if she can't really do it. Her bouncing leg stopped quick, her civilised demeanour also diminished

Raizel quickly shakes her head no, "It's not much, or even important"

I was about to snap and tell her that her life is also valuable. But I reminded myself that it isn't my place to do so. If it meant to earn some trust within Raizel, I need to be understanding and not to become pushover of her life.

Esme gently decided the latter "You told us that you were an ophan, there's no shame in that Raizel. We just want to help" I know she's only trying to help, but Raizel was no longer holding eye contact with me or Esme

RAIZEL [Adopted by the Cullen's] Where stories live. Discover now