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"Aqua ortumous," I say and feel a sense of calm around my palm, my eyes widening when I saw a few drops of water combining to form a small ball of water, what was more surprising to me was that I could see the water cascading upwards, against the force of gravity.

"As long as you keep your emotions calm and centred the spells would wor-"

"Taehyung I did it!!" I screamed and the water splashed violently back to the fountain, some of it splashing on our faces, most of it on Taehyung as he stood in front of me. I looked at him to see that he had his eyes closed, water dripping down his eyebrows and I smiled sheepishly.

"If you could only listen to me before going all out," he started and I gave him an apologetic smile.

"Your emotions and breathing need to be calm at all times, no matter what. Only then you have full control over all forms of water, the moment there's even the slightest bit of turbulence you could even cause a Tsunami from what I've seen from you back in Agartha," he said, and I nod understanding, going back to casting the same spell.

The days started to go by and I was finally able to do so much more, form ice out of the water, snow in the form of crystals and move water with my will but all of it in small amounts. Taehyung told me that I needed to practice a bit more and restraint myself to be calmer on the inside.

"You sure had your fun for the day," Taehyung told Jungkook and he looked away, the Jungkook I knew was back. It was hard not peeking glances at him, especially when he seemed completely different when he was around little kids.

Jungkook gave Taehyung a look before speeding away to walk ahead of us and Taehyung chuckled at how Jungkook seemed flustered. As the two brothers had their time with teasing I couldn't help the feeling of being watched.

Ever since we came back to Earth with my powers, it was like my senses were stronger somehow, my hearing and sight were growing better profusely. I was yet to tell that to Taehyung though. I paid more attention to the sound and looked behind me, there wasn't anyone behind us and so I turned back to looking forward. Jungkook reached my front door first and waited for me to reach with Taehyung so that I could unlock the door.

Unlike the sound of footsteps, it was like I could feel another presence behind us, living and breathing but no sound of footsteps which made me feel a bit uneasy. It felt like the presence was emitting some sort of negative energy, something I couldn't decipher.

I turned around again and this time Taehyung noticed.

"What's wrong?" he asked and looked back with me.

"Don't know, is it normal for your senses to increase along with your powers?" I asked him as we neared my front door and he shrugged.

"In cases like yours it could be ten times more than mine, a God, once having activated their powers feels more specific emotions, unlike angels and demons. The problem is you only feel opposite energies," he says and I scrunch my eyebrows in confusion.

"Jungkook is a God just like you, but he rules over death. Death is a negative truth, so all the things he would feel are positive. He is easily attracted to positive energy, which explains why he was so smitten by the kids back at the park,"

I nod and Jungkook seemed to have eavesdropped on the conversation, huffing before entering the house once I had opened the door.

"But cause you're a God who rules over life, something positive, your mind easily detects anything that's negative. Meaning you can easily detect negative energy, almost like an 'opposites attract' situation,"

Taehyung tells me and I felt even eerier inside after that information.

"Is there anything I need to know about?" He asks kindly but I smile and shake my head.

"As of now, I don't think so. If there is I'll let you know first," I said and he smiled back.

"Alright, for now, Jungkook come to sit here."

Taehyung says sternly and the last time I saw him this stern was when he was angry on my first day in Agartha. It was intimidating for sure, even Jungkook adhered and came sat down on the couch. Tae then turned to me and motioned for me to take a seat as well.

"I'm not always gonna be here to help you, once Zelda has her powers, I'm off and its gonna be you two Gods working for the sake of Agartha. That's not gonna happen if you both continue to act like little kids and bicker all the time. Talk to each other, even if it's for 5 minutes, I'm right in the next room, if I hear any of you fighting, you know better Jungkook."


𝑫𝒆𝒂𝒓 𝑫𝒆𝒎𝒐𝒏☼︎𝑱𝒆𝒐𝒏 𝑱𝒖𝒏𝒈𝒌𝒐𝒐𝒌Where stories live. Discover now