Chapter 2

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It was three years before Emperor Spriggin's war against Fiore. Mikal found herself daydreaming about the emperor for a fifth time in the past hour. She walked through the palace garden that sat at the back of the grounds, and absentmindedly plucked a blue flower from its stem. The spring weather was warm, with the sun shining from behind the clouds.  She was alone, with her white dress flowing gently in the light breeze that came in from the east. 

The emperor rarely came to the palace, let alone the city itself, but that didn't stop her feelings from developing. He had been so kind to others, including her. He had even made it a habit to greet her when he visited. Mikal didn't know that much about him, as he was adement about keeping himself a mystery. That didn't stop her from striking up a conversation with him whenever he could, especially when he seemed troubled. He never spoke of what bothered him with Mikal, but he couldn't hide the sorrow that lurked behind his eyes. She made it her mission to make him smile with a joke, or perhaps a simple hello. And for awhile, it worked. 

She had found one day that her strategy was no longer viable. Instead of agreeing with her comment on how lovely the garden looked, or the lovely weather, he shut her out. What used to generate a smile on his face generated psychological torment. He stopped walking with her through the garden. At one point, he snapped at her and yelled for her to stop bringing up the joys of life. Mikal didn't understand his thought process, but nevertheless obeyed his command because she loved and respected him.

Mikal was pulled back to the present moment, flower still in hand, when someone shouted, "Emperor Spriggin has returned! Make way for our glorious ruler!"

Her feet moved on their own, and before she realized it her body was sprinting full speed towards the back entrance of the castle. By the time she reached the front corridor, Emperor Spriggin was speaking with August, one of the most powerful wizards and right-hand man of the emperor. The pair turned to Mikal as she came running.

"Sir, you've returned safely! I'm so glad!" She comes to a halt and bows her head respectfully. 

"Indeed I-"

"You should know your place and manners, young lady," August interupted with a harsh tone.

"No, it is alright, August." Spriggin held his hand up as if to say "enough." He hadn't aged a day; his black hair didn't hold a single silver strand, and there was no sign of old age on his fair skin. Mikal's heart raced involuntarily, and she felt a smile creeping across her lips. "Leave us, I must speak with Miss Mikal alone."

"Yes, your Majesty." August turns to leave, but not before he casts a sidelong glance at Mikal.  He had always been stern, so she was used to his disapproval when it came to her disruptive behavior. She knew it was his way of teaching her.  

Mikal and the emperor watched August exit the room. His foot steps were loud, and they echoed throughout the walls even after he was on the other side of the door. Then, Spriggin faced her with a kind smile.  "My dear Mikal, I see you are doing well."

"I am, but now that you're here I believe I'm doing even better," Mikal gave a shy smile. She felt herself getting self conscious, and hastily brushed stray strands of hair behind her ear. "You were gone for several months this time.  Did your travels prove fruitful?"

"They have. It will soon be time for us to retrieve the Fairy Heart from Fiore, I am sure of it. The time is nearly upon us." Spriggin watched as he dragged his fingers down one of the nearby marble pillars, and expected it for dust. "My faithful servant, I believe you have failed me."

His voice turned sour, and there was the unmistakenly cruel look in his eyes that Mikal had only seen once before, directed at a traitor in the palace guard. Her face paled until she felt faint. He had never looked at her that way. Why now? She had cleaned every last inch of these rooms. He had never criticized her work before; it was always nearly flawless, and she had made sure to never disappoint his expectations.

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