Chapter 11

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"And here in second place for the qualifying round, we have Fiore's Sabertooth! Despite losing to Fairy tail three years ago, this guild has only grown stronger! Will they take home the win for the third consecutive year?" An announcer screamed into the microphone, prompting the audience in the collesium to erupt in cheers.

This is going to be interesting, Mikal thought to herself as she, Yukino, Sting, Rogue, and Rufus walked onto the arena already populated with the seven lower teams.  It was approximately nine in the morning, but the sun's heat was already setting into the battle arena that sat on a large mountain near the castle. 

"We've seen the same team play for Sabertooth every year, but it looks like there has been a change in players this year!" Another announcer observed the team members from their seat above the audience. "It appears as though Orga Nanagear has been switched with a new face!"

"I wonder what her power level is! It says here that she outscored both of the twin dragons herself, ladies and gentlemen! I can't wait to see what she has in store for the games!"

"Super COOOOLLLLLLL!" another announcer screeched into his microphone, sending a large surge of interference through the speakers.

"Now ladies and gentlemen, starting in first place for this year's tournament is a crowd favorite! Please give a warm welcome to Fairy Tail!"

Mikal didn't know people could cheer so loud. She covered her ears as the applause boomed through the stadium and rumbled the ground beneath her. From across the arena, she could see five familiar faces:  Gajeel, Natsu, the blonde he had terrorized at the welcome party, the ice wizard, and red-haired woman everyone in Fairy Tail seemed to fear.  The entire team was calm and collected except for Natsu--he was yelling at the top of his lungs.

"He never changes," Sting scoffed and folded his arms across his chest, but he wore an expression that depicted admiration for the fire dragon slayer.

"Neither does Gajeel." Rogue's expression, on the other hand, was stern and determined.

They're really competitive, Mikal thought to herself.

"Hi Lucy!" Yukino waved to the blonde. 

"Yukino! Hi!" Lucy ran up and exchanged a hug with the celestial wizard. 

Natsu walked up to Mikal. "Hey."

"Hey," she replied.

"We might be onto something with the ghost stuff. I'll tell you all about it later! In the meantime, let's take each other out!" He released a cheeky smile.

"Pyro," the ice wizard muttered and rolled his eyes.

"What the hell, Gray?! I didn't do anything wrong!" Natsu shoved him, which resulted in Gray running into Gajeel.

"You got a death wish or somethin', Salamander?" Gajeel pushed Gray away from him and stalked toward Natsu.

"Now boys," the red-haired woman grabbed both of their ears and yanked them close to her. "Remember who the competition is, or must I beat it into you?" Mikal found her unbothered smile frightening, and took a step back.

"N-No Erza!" the dragon slayers backed away from each other and talked to the rest of their team.

"Alright folks, let the first day of the Grand Magic Games begin! Our first challenge is called 'Capture.' Choose one person from your team to compete in the first challenge. Teams, please return to your designated viewing points in the stands." 

"Capture? That sounds interesting," Yukino commented thoughtfully.

"You should go, Rogue," Sting looked to him. "Judging by the title, you'd have a better chance since you can use your shadow to evade other players."

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