[🧚‍♀️] Baby Space

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Taehyung woke up to crying and someone shaking him. He groaned and turned around, not really realizing what's going on.
That's when Taehyung shot up.
He turned around facing Jungkook. His face was tear stained, his nose red and cheeks puffy. Taehyung immediately cupped his face.
"What's wrong, bunny?"
Jungkook started sobbing again.
"P-pee pee..."
That's when he noticed the wet patch on Jungkook's pyjama pants and also the wetness on their bed.

He sat up gently placing Jungkook on his lap.
"It's okay, bubba. It happens to all of us." (I swear I love this nickname so much. It makes me almost slip immediately.)
He stroked the smaller boys head, reassuring him. The brown haired boy buried his face into his boyfriends neck, sucking on it slightly.
"Let's get you cleaned up, pretty."
Taehyung carried Jungkook into the bathroom, placing him on the closed toilet seat. Jungkook whined, but then he noticed the wet patch on Taehyung's pants.

He immediately started crying.
"What's wrong, petal?"
Taehyung look at Jungkook confused. The said one pointed at the wet patch on Taehyung's pants, crying even louder.
Taehyung shushed him.
"It's not your fault, love. It's just an accident."
"N-no mwad?"
"Of course not, sweatheart."
Taehyung smiled reassuringly at Jungkook.
"Let's bathe my little prince now. How does that sound?"

Jungkook giggled, clapping his hands.
"B-bathie, bathie!"
Taehyung cooed at Jungkook's cuteness.
He undressed him and placed him into the warm water.
Jungkook frowned.
"Sorry honey, but could you repeat that again?"
Tears welled up in Jungkook's eyes, his bottom lip quivering.
"No no, don't cry pumpkin. Daddy just didn't hear what you said."
Jungkook sniffled.

Taehyung fell silent for a few seconds before he realized what Jungkook wanted.
"You want bubbles, cupcake?"
Jungkook nodded, splashing the water slightly. Taehyung grabbed the shampoo bottle and mixed the shampoo with the water, creating bubbles. Jungkook's eyes widened, astonished by the way the bubbles formed. Taehyung couldn't help, but laugh at Jungkook's reaction.
"You like it?"
Jungkook hastily nodded, starting to play with the toys that were on the edge of the bathtub.

Taehyung gently washed Jungkook while he played with his toys. Soon he was done and it was time for Jungkook to get out of the bathtub.
"It's time to get out, bub."
Jungkook shook his head, no.
"Come on, baby."
Jungkook moved back a little, but then he slipped with his hand and fell backwards from his sitting position. Taehyung immediately pulled him up and Jungkook started crying. He obviously was not hurt, but since he was in baby space, it really scared him.

"It's okay, munchkin. Your hair just got a little wet, nothing serious..."
Jungkook calmed down as soon as Taehyung pulled him into his embrace.
"Let's get you dressed up, okay?"
Jungkook nodded, sucking on his thumb. Taehyung placed Jungkook on the bed, pulling his thumb out of his mouth.
"Don't do that, sweetie. You can get icky from it."
Taehyung dressed him up in a diaper and his hoodie, since he hated pants, especially when he wears diapers.

Jungkook started whining, trashing around.
"You hungry, bubba?"
Jungkook nodded, babbling something that Taehyung couldn't understand. Taehyung cooed and carried Jungkook to the kitchen. He placed him into the high chair.
"Daddy's right back. I just have to heat up the milk."
Taehyung left and he could hear Jungkook giggling to himself, making his heart swoon. This boy was going to be the death of him. He filled Jungkook's favorite bottle with milk and placed it into the microwave for a few minutes.

As soon as it wad warm enough, Taehyung went back to Jungkook to feed him. When Jungkook saw him, he immediately started kicking his legs in excitement.
Taehyung kissed Jungkook's forehead, before picking him up. Jungkook always had to cuddle when he drank his milk. It made him feel safe and loved. Taehyung sat down on the couch, sitting Jungkook on his lap. The brown haired boy wrapped his arms around Taehyung, laying his head on his chest.

He fed him the bottle, humming a nursery rime that Jungkook absolutely loved. He decided to quickly check if he had any emails on his phone, making sure that he didn't miss something from his job. He felt Jungkook stop sucking on the bottle.
"You done, love?"
Jungkook didn't answer and Taehyung looked away from his phone. Taehyung cooed when he saw Jungkook sleeping, scrunching his little nose from time to time. He carefully placed the bottle on the coffee table, careful to not wake up his baby.

He carried him to their shared bedroom placing him gently on their bed. Jungkook immediately started whining. Taehyung quickly sat down next to Jungkook, stroking his hair. The little calmed down, placing his thumb into his mouth. Taehyung replaced his thumb with a pacifier, covering him with a blanket. Then he left the room not forgetting to turn on the nightlight, because Jungkook was scared of the dark. In and out of little space. (Me lol)
Finally Taehyung had time to rest and watch television.

Don't understand him wrong, he loves Jungkook, but when Jungkook slips in baby space it can get really exhausting. What hurt Taehyung the most is that Jungkook constantly apologizes after he slips out. Telling him how sorry he is for making trouble, for being clingy and bratty. Taehyung thinks that Jungkook should never apologize for the way he is. Jungkook is the most caring, cute and loving person Taehyung has ever met. It hurts him to know that he has such thoughts. He always made sure to praise him and tell him that he loves him.

Jungkook slipped maybe once a week for a day or so and sometimes Taehyung wishes that Jungkook was more comfortable in slipping more often. Who could not love cute baby Jungkook? Of course, Taehyung would never force him to do what makes him maybe uncomfortable and since he still has a year ahead of school, he can't slip always. His thoughts were interrupted by crying. Taehyung quickly prepared a bottle, heading towards their room. He opened the door, meeting Jungkook's tear stained face.

"Baby...", he whispered to get Jungkook's attention. The boy looked in Taehyung's direction making grabby arms. Taehyung layed down next to Jungkook gently placing the bottle into his mouth. The younger scrunched his nose up, slapping the bottle away. The wailing only continued. Taehyung checked Jungkook's diaper to see that it was dry. He gently picked him up, bouncing him up and down.
"What's wrong, sweetie? You want to play?"
Taehyung grabbed Jungkook's rattle shaking it.

The younger quiet down for a second before crying again. Taehyung continued to shake it until Jungkook pulled it out of his hands, smacking Taehyung on the head with it.
"Ouch! Baby, we don't do that."
Jungkook huffed, grabbing a hand full of Taehyung's hair. Taehyung yelled out in pain, desperately trying to get out of Jungkook's death grip. He only managed to, because Jungkook let go of Taehyung's hair.
"Jeon Jungkook, behave."
Even though he was frustrated, he didn't yell.

He never yelled at Jungkook, because he knew how sensitive he was. Jungkook just started crying again, kicking his legs in frustration.
"Munchkin, what's wrong? Please tell daddy."
Taehyung didn't know what to do and Jungkook didn't look like he would stop crying any time soon. He decided to call Jimin.
"Jimin help me!"
"Woah, what's wrong with you and why is Jungkook crying? Oh my god, did something happen?! Is he-"
"Shut up Jimin. He's fine, but I don't know why he's crying...I tried everything, but he won't stop."

"Is he hungry?"
"Did you check his diap-"
"Gosh Jimin, don't ask basic questions!"
"Well, how should I know?!"
"I don't know, aren't you the expert with Yoongi?!"
"...What did you do before he started crying?"
"He drank his milk and drifted off while doing that. I put him to bed and that's it."
"I see, did he burp after drinking the milk?"

Taehyung's eyes widened.
"I totally forgot that!"
"You know that Jungkook always gulps too much air, because he's so eager to drink it."
"Thank you Jimin! I owe you!"
He ended the call. Jungkook's crying died down a little, but he still didn't stop.
"Does my baby have a lump in his throat?"
Jungkook nodded, whining.
Taehyung layed Jungkook's head on his chest, patting his back.

After a few minutes Jungkook burped immediately burying his face into Taehyung's neck, out of embarrassment. Taehyung cooed at his cute baby.
"Do you feel better, buttercup?"
Jungkook smiled, nodding.
"Well how about we play something now?"
Jungkook giggled, clapping his hands.
And Taehyung knew he would do his best to keep that cute smile on Jungkook's face.

I really had fun writing this, because I love cute baby Jungkook. I hope you enjoyed it.
Do you have some ideas for the next one shot? 👉👈

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