[💌] [💖] Anger

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The loud ringing of the alarm clock broke the silence in the big bedroom. Jungkook groaned, burying his head deeper into the pillow. The ringing didn't stop and Jungkook whined.
"Tae...turn your damn alarm clock off!"
Seconds later the alarm clock was silenced, Jungkook sighing in consent. Until he was flicked on the forehead.
"What the hell?!"
Jungkook opened one eye, glaring at Taehyung.
"Language, baby."
"Yeah yeah..."

Jungkook turned away.
"Don't you have classes to go to, baby boy?"
"Still not a reason to stand up."
Taehyung sighed.
"Come on, Kook. I have to got to work and you to your classes."
"Then go to work."
"Now stop being bratty and get your ass up."
He turned Jungkook around, giving him a peck on his lips, before standing up from the bed.
"I don't know why you have to waste your time annoying me about uni.

Don't you have something better to do? What you say is stupid."
Taehyung's gaze darkened.
"Say that again, baby boy."
Jungkook was suddenly wide awake when he realized what he said. He sat up.
"I'm sorry Tae-"
"Jeon Jungkook, can you repeat that again?"
Taehyung's jaw was clenched, eyes intensely staring at Jungkook.
"I-I'm sorry..."
Taehyung grabbed Jungkook's jaw.
"Now get up and go to your class or I'm not afraid to throw you over my lap and spank you, understood?"

Jungkook hastily nodded.
"Good boy. Love you"
Taehyung leaned in, kissing Jungkook. The younger one was about to pull away, but Taehyung held his face in place, deepening the kiss. Jungkook couldn't help but whimper, easily getting rilled up. Taehyung's tongue slided into Jungkook's mouth, making him moan. Unfortunately they had to pull away, in need for air. Taehyung smirked, noticing the buldge in Jungkook's pants.
"If you want me to drive you then be ready in 10 minutes."

Jungkook whined, grinding on the bed.
"B-but daddy..."
Taehyung shushed him.
"Go get yourself ready."
Jungkook grumbled, but stood up anyway. He dressed up in a oversized T-shirt, hoping that no one would notice his buldge. He grabbed his backpack and waited for Taehyung to leave. A few minutes after Taehyung left the bathroom, dressed up in his suit.
"Let's go, baby."
Jungkook pouted, following his boyfriend.

They sat down in the car, Taehyung noticing the pout on Jungkook's face.
"Bun, look at me."
He took Jungkook's hand in his.
"You know that I only want the best for you, right?"
Jungkook nodded.
"You can't just neglect class like this, okay? If you want to be a photographer then you have to learn for your classes."
"I'm going to fail math class anyway... It doesn't matter, it's not like my pictures a good."
"Hey, don't say that. Your pictures are amazing. Also if you have problems with math then maybe I can help you. Or I can pay a tutor for you."

"But you already spent so much money on me. You don't have to."
Taehyung chuckled.
"Did you already forget that I originally was your sugar daddy?"
Jungkook blushed.
"I-I told you not to mention that..."
"Well, I still am. The only difference is that I have a boyfriend upgrade now."
"L-let's drive to university...I have classes."
"Good boy. I might reward you when I come back home."
He squeezed Jungkook's thigh. The younger one's cheeks inflamed.


Class was hell. Absolute hell. He had two lessons of math. He forgot to do his assignment and then the professor asked him a question that he didn't know the answer to. He embarrassed him in front of the whole class, scolding him.

The professor yelled at me
Embarrassed me
R u happy now?
U r stupid

You better prepare for your punishment baby boy
You crossed the line

Jungkook didn't know what went through his mind when he texted that. He was just so angry at the professor that he let it out on Taehyung. Now he regretted doing so.
At lunch time he met with Yoongi, his friend. Yoongi noticed that Jungkook seemed nervous.
"What's wrong?"
"Uhm...I was bratty towards Taehyung..."
Jungkook was quite embarrassed saying that. Even though Yoongi is in a similar relationship, just without the boyfriend label.

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