a new concept??

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Hey everyone

Ever thought what would might happen if abhijeet sir would have given daya Sir's latter to shreya....

What would might be the circumstances then.....???

So guys just wanna ask u a question....

Do u all want me to write on this topic??....

As per I promised.....I said earlier..... if I'll get any dareya concept I'll surely write on them.....

So today the  concept striked in my mind  that what might happens after the letter is given to shreya mam by abhijeet sir on behalf of daya sir..  

So do let me know.....
Ur views on this topic...??
And should I start writing writing on this topic???

Do let me know in the comment section

Till then
Stay home stay safe....


Dareya:-)Infinte LoveWhere stories live. Discover now