Ch 9: Detective Deku Origin

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(Beware: Gross thing ahead, torture, rape, not really, and stuff so read if you dare. If something happened to you then it's not my fault, after all, I DID warn you...
You could skip this, cause after this I might update a little bit early, earlier than usual even though I have no updating schedule.
That is all folks, I tried my best in making this as graphic as it is, tell me if its good.)

3rd POV:

Yami and Izu continue writing stuff that I won't write cause that will take ages, you know how they can write their notes, so I'll let you imagine what's inside the notebooks.

Yes, Yami actually ask Yaomomo to create a notebook for him as well, no one notice, other than Momo herself and a select few that I think you know, cause I know that you know all of the perceptive ones.

Mr. Shield is typing to his computer, trying to find the coordinates of his daughter's location. Izu still felt that something is not right though. Then, Mr. Shield stands up and walk out of the door.

All Might, from the other universe, walks out of the door as well after his conversation with himself. Yuu, Gougou and Yami do as they say and stayed with us.

Nezu is being weird though, for Izuku's opinion at least. Nezu just won't stop glancing at Izuku every now then when he think that Izuku is not looking, or maybe he knows that Izuku is looking and Nezu wants him to catch something his sending via eye contacts?

For Yami's point of view, he sees that Izuku and Nezu is having a long and silent conversation.

'What's up with them?'

Yami is wierded out. Something is happening and he doesn't know what exactly.

The glitches and now it shows something. . .

Sixth Dekuverse.........
~Showing in...




Then the screen glitches again but this time, its different. Inside the glitches is a word. It's...


That's the word, in bloody bold letters with what seems to be blood pouring down every letter. Then the whole screen is covered by it.

Momo immediately created a pair of headphones, board games and  toys, pillows, blankets and a tent. Mirio and Aizawa covers Eri's and Kota's eyes with their hands and direct them to the tent that Izuku build in a flash, and all that happens in a span of 1 minute.

Everyone is now nervous on what could possibly happen in this universe. Is it bad? Is it scary? Or is it worst?
Even the villains are now worried for the kid who saw them as a human.

The screen lights up and it shows the rooftop where it all started.

"Again? How many universe shows this rooftop?" Toga, Mina and a few more said simultaneously.

"Be more realistic, young man"

"Again? How many universe shows this scene?" Recovery Girl, Inko and a few more said simultaneously.

'What's with them?' Izuku wondered.

'I don't know'

'Okay, wait what???'.
Izuku knows that, that is Yami...
Yami is quirkless though, right???

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