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"What the hell were you thinking?" My mother yelled at me while she was driving me home. She had to pick me up from school because i got into a fight with a freshman. But it wasn't my fault, he totally asked for it.

"You're lucky that you're not expelled yet. No other school would want you."

I gave her no reply, she needed to blow off some steam.

She sighed and rubbed her eyes. "Mabye you should talk to dr Sherman again. He was really helpful to you after the accident." She said to me in a calmer voice than before.

I laughed. "I don't need a fucking therapist and especially not that creep."

"Well why don't you start showing that? This is the second fight you've gotten in these past 2 weeks. That's sounds to my like you do need a bloody therapist."

I rolled my eyes at her and folded my arms.

"If you don't want to talk to dr Sherman anymore we can find you another. One of my friends at the hospital is a therapist, maybe he can help you."

I let out a laugh and looked back at her again. "You mean the 'friend' you've been secretly fucking during your lunch breaks?"

That was the last straw for my mother. "Jesus christ Becky grow the fuck up. Ashton and i are just good friends, in fact he is taking me to dinner tonight. And because you think you know everything so well you're grounded for 2 weeks."

"Like i fucking care!"

"You want to make that 4 weeks?" She threatend.

"Fine with me." I couldn't care less about how long I would be grounded. I was never able to go out much anyways because i always had to babysit my younger brother Jack. It had always been like that even before my dad died, mom and dad were always too busy to spent time with us. My mom was a nurse at the hospital and my dad was a wealthy businessman before had passed away.

My mom parked the car in the driveway and looked at me with sympathetic eyes. "I know that this has been a difficult year for you, it has been for all of us. But just promise me that you'll talk to me or a therapist. Bottling up your anger like this isn't good."

I twirled the ring around my finger." I'll try mom. I'll to talk to you before something bad happens again. "

She layed her hand on my knee "That's what i like to hear."

As we got inside my mother's phone ran. I quietly listened to her conversation from a distance.

"Yes, dont worry everything is fine here. Just a small incident at school. Yes i will see you at 6, bye."

She put her phone back in her pocket and walked into the kitchen. I followed her and give her a smirk. "Sooo, your new boyfriend will pick you up by 6?"

"He's not my boyfriend, al least not yet. We're.."

I jumped up and interrupted her "Aha, so you do like him."

She sighed. "Please stop acting like you're six. I want you to make dinner tonight for you and Jack. And i want him in bed by nine."

"I know. Just make sure you're ready by six because i am not opening the door for your 'friend'."

"I'm not making any promises. Besides it won't hurt if you meet him."

I left the kitchen and walked to me room. Jack wasn't home yet because he was playing at a friends house, which gave me some time to myself.

I picked up my acoustic guitar and sat on my bed. I looked towards my nightstand and was greeted by a picture of my smiling dad. I put my guitar down and picked the picture up, i missed him.

He always knew how to handle me and my brother. He was a businessmen who found his work very important but still made time for his family. I remember one time when i was younger i refused to eat dinner until my dad was home from work. He came home early for a while to eat dinner with us but that didn't last long. After 1 week of going to bed without food i stopped trying.

I stroked my shoulder and felt the scar underneath my fingertips. About a year ago my dad and i were driving home after he had picked my up from school, i was caught vaping in the bedroom. We had a heated argument in the car about my bad behaviour and how he didn't know what to do with me.

He didn't see the truck coming and neither did i. The car rolled 2 times before it landed on his back a few feet further down the road. I don't remember much from it but i do remember seeing my dad hanging in his seat, lifeless with blood on his face. I tried to help him but a piece of glass had gotten in my shoulder and was holding my back. The next thing i remember was waking up in a hospital bed with my crying mother sitting next to me. My dad didn't make it.

I put the picture back and layed down on the bed. After the accident i kept telling my mom that it was all my fault. She eventually got sick of me saying that and took me to a therapist, dr Sherman. He kinda helped me with changing the way i looked back at the accident and he stopped me from having nightmares.

After 6 months i had convinced him and my mom that i was better and didn't need a therapist anymore. They believed it. But here i was 5 months later still thinking that the accident was my fault and bottling up my feelings.

I put my hand up in air, it was pretty bruised up from the fight. The freshman had only successfully hit my face once giving me a busted lip. I on the other hand had been able to successfully hit him mutiple times. I'm pretty sure he had to go to the hospital to get stitches. I really was lucky that the fight was technically in front of school property and not on it, otherwise i would've been expelled.

I must've forgotten the time because somebody was ringing the door bell. I tried to ignore it but my mom came stormed into my room.

"Please can you get that. I'm not ready yet."

I groanded and pulled myself from the bed.

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