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I don't know why i got so angry at my mother yesterday when she told me i had to take Jack to the doctor. I mean i got the whole day off from school which was something that she almost never allowed.

I guess that i was more angry at Jack's doctor, he really thought that i would hurt my own brother. I would've loved to be able to give him the silent treatment but that wasn't possible because i had to make an appointment with him for my mother. I had first tought that he he only treated children but that wasn't true, he was a family physician so he was allowed to treat adults and children.

It was still pretty early, i had only slept a few hours last night. I opened my phone and saw that Maddy had texted.

Maddy: Lexi is trowing a party tonight and invited me. You wanna join?

I thought about that offer for a second. I loved parties especially when they were with Maddy. She always knew how to loosen up and have fun. I didn't really know Lexi but that didn't really matter to me, the only thing that was bothering me right now was the fact that i would have to leave my brother home alone while my mom is sick.

I've snuck out plenty of times but i always made sure that Jack wouldn't be home alone. My mother would never forgive me if something happend to him while i had snuck out.

I didn't text her back because i just needed some more time to think about it.

I walked out of my room and went down stairs to make some coffee.

I didn't really get to enjoy the morning peace for long, my mom came walking down stairs. She poured herself a cup of coffee and sat down next to me on the couch. I looked at her for a second, she looked tired and pale but not as sick as the did a couple days ago.

I took a sip of my coffee. "I'm going to make a doctor's appointment for you today." I said to her.

"Thank you."

I looked at her surprised. I had expected her to say no or atleast argue but she didn't. Even though i was confused with her answer i accepted it.

"Is Ashton coming over today?" I asked her. I wanted to go to the party but i would only go if i knew that my mother and Jack were safe.

"I thought that you hated him?" She said with a big smile on her face.

"I do, but he was kinda helpful yesterday and he..uhm makes you happy, i guess."

I didn't want to admit the fact that Ashton made my mother happy, it would mean that she had forgotten my father.

She put an arm around my shoulder. "I'll call him to ask if he wants to visit tonight."

I nodded and stood up not wanting my mother's arm around me.

"I'm gonna wake Jack up."

I didn't wait for a response from her. I walked to Jack's room and knocked on his door. He was a deep sleeper so i just walked into his room and shook him.

"Wake up buddy. We've gotta go to the doctor."

He shook his head and burried himself in his pillow.

I groaned and pulled the sheets off of him. "Breakfast in 30 minutes. " i said to him before i walked out of his room. He wasn't a morning person so i just let him wake up on his own.

When i went back downstairs my mom went to her room.

I turned to tv on and put animal planet on so that Jack would be less grumpy when he would come down.

He stumbled downstairs, grabbed the bowl of cereal i had made for him and went to sit on the couch.

"I thought that I didn't need to go to school today." He said with a tired voice.

"You don't but we need to be at the doctor's in almost 2 hours."

He didn't asked any further questions, he was way to focused on watching animal planet. I knew that 2 hours was a lot of time but he needed it in order to not have a complete breakdown at the appointment.

We arrived at the hospital 10 minutes before the appointment. My mom let me take the car which i was very grateful for, i hated the bus.

I checked us in and we went to sit in the waiting room. I put Jack in my lap in order to keep him calm and stop him from running around.

"When is mama coming?" He asked me.

"She isn't coming Jack."

He didn't like that and jumped up from my lap to sit on the ground with his arms crossed.

I ignored him. I hated how he constantly felt the need to have mother with him. Why couldn't he just accept that she didn't care enough to make time for us?

Soon are names got called. I picked Jack up and carried him to the room. Luke was waiting for us in the room with a big smile on his face. I gave him an angry look in return while i put Jack on the bed.

As soon as Luke put his gloves on Jack started crying. I sighed and went to sit next to him on the bed. Luke first tried to calm him down but was quite unsuccessful.

"Hey, there's no need to be scared. I'm only going to take a look at your stitches." He spoke in a soft voice to him.

Jack completely ignored him. He shook his head, crying even more than before. I took over and put him on my lap again. I played a game with him that we always play when he is scarred.

I rolled up my sleeve and pointed at one of my bruises on my hand. "This one looks like a hippo doesn't it?" I aksed him.

He whiped a few tears away and nodded his head.

I quickly signaled to Luke that he could start taking the bandage away because all of Jack's focus was on me right now.

"And what about this one?" I asked pointing to a different bruise.

"A..a butterfly." He said with a shaking voice.

"Isn't that your favourite animal?" I said knowing damm well that a butterfly wasn't his favourite animal.

"No, lion's are."

I glanced at Luke, he was taking Jack's stitches out.

"Why lions?"

"Because they are the king's of the animal kingdom." He said proudly.

"I totally argree with you there, lions are the coolest animals. " Luke said to Jack while he put his tools down, he was finished.

"I told you that it wouldn't be so bad." He said with a big smile.

I rolled my eyes and put Jack down on the floor. He ran to Luke to give him a hug. Jack always got way to quick attached to people and trusted everybody.

I made the appointment for my mother and went to leave the room but Luke stopped me.

"Are you sure that bruises are from school fights?" He asked concerned.

"I'm sure."

He didn't let go of my arm, he didn't believe me.

I steped back, forcing him to let go of my arm. "I do boxing, that's why i have bruises on my hands. I'm not abused if that is what you're thinking right now." I said to him in a angry tone.

"I'm just making sure that you're alright." Luke said.

I didn't say anything back and left the room with Jack.

Before i started the car i texted Maddy that i was coming to the party, i deserved a break from all these responsibilities.

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