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My alarm clock woke me up.

I groaned as i looked at the time, it was only 8 in the morning.

It was vacation and i wasn't even allowed to sleep in late because i had to make sure that my mom ate breakfast and took her medicine.

All the guys had left around 6 in the morning to go to work and would most likely not be back until late.

I took my a lot of effort to convince the guys that i was responsible enough to be home alone with Jack and my mom. But eventually they gave in. Mainly because a nanny was quite expensive.

I dragged myself out of bed and brushed my teeth. I hated mornings so i kept my morning routine as limited as possible.

I first walked to my mom's room to see if she was already awake.

I opened her door and took a peak inside. She was watching tv so closed the door again and went downstairs to make her breakfast.

She was still capable of making her own breakfast but we all knew that she would be way to stubborn to make a proper one.

Michael had given her a strict diet with lots of fruits and vegetables.

I hated preparing her food because i always lost my appetite after i had finished making my mom's breakfast.

I knocked on my mom's door and walked in with her food in my hands.

"Breakfast." I said tiredly to her.

She looked at it with a disgusted face. "It's like I'm eating the food of a goat or something."

I sighed. "Doctor's orders. Just atleast try to eat something."

She picked at it and carefully took a few bites.

I sat her medicine down next her. "Don't forget them." I said firmly.

She nodded.

I walked back downstairs and saw that Jack was already awake.

"Can you make me some eggs?" He asked as he was watching one of us animal shows.

"Of course, because you asked so nicely." I said to him sarcastic.

He looked at me for a brief moment. "Thanks."

I made him some eggs but couldn't find the energy to make some for myself. Coffee was good enough for breakfast anyways.

I handed him the plate and went back upstairs to see if my mom had finished her food.

"You finished?" I asked her as i walked into her room.

She nodded. "Thank you for the food."

"Are coming downstairs? Jack would like to see you."

"Sure." She said with a small smile.

I helped her out of bed and let her lean on me as she walked down the stairs.

"Mom! Good morning." Jack said happy when he saw my mom.

"Good morning." My mom said cheerfully back as she sat down next to him on the couch.

"How are feeling today?" He aksed.

"Better than yesterday." She replied.

Jack smiled when she said that. "So what are we gonnna do today?"

Jack thought that mom would become better if we kept her busy and would do fun things with her. I knew that that wasnt the case but as least it made my mom happy.

"Why don't we make some cookies?" She said almost in a baby voice to Jack.

"Are you sure that that needs to happen today?" I asked annoyed.

"Yes, i am." She said firmly.

She wrote a few things down an a piece of paper and handed it to me. "Can you go to the store and get those things. We'll need it for the cookies." She said with a smile.

"Fine." I said as i snatched the note and the money out of her hand. I felt like i freaking butler or something.

I drove to the nearest shop and got out of the car. I looked like absolute garbage so i hoped that i wouldn't see anybody i knew.

I basically ran through to store and quickly grabbed all the things that my mom had written down.

I kept my head down as i walked back to the car. I had made it without anyone talking to me, probably the only positive thing about today.

"I'm back." I shouted as i put the bag of supplies down on the kitchen counter.

I let myself fall on the couch as mom and brother happily started to make the cookies.

I wanted to join them but i preferred to relax for a while.

After almost 2 hours the cookies were finished.

Once they were cool enough we ate them. They weren't really that good but i didn't care, food is food. My mom wasn't allowed to eat too much sugar but i let it slide. She was happy and that was all that mattered right now.

My mom went back upstairs to take a nap after we had finished most of the cookies.

I grabbed the remaining ones and went to put them in the fridge so that somebody else could eat them later.

When i walked into the kitchen i noticed that my mom and Jack didn't clean anything up.

I sighed and rolled up my sleeves so that i could start cleaning up the kitchen.

When i was halfway done i decided that i needed a short break.

I joined Jack on the couch and watched dr Pol with him. It wasn't my favourite show but it was better than cleaning up.

Luke was the first one to be home today which was most of the time the case.

"How are my two favourite people doing?" He asked with a big smile as he walked into the living room.

I ignored him because i was tired and i knew that Jack would answer.

"First day of summer vacation was awesome." Jack replied happily.

Luke shared Jack's happiness and gave him a high five.

"It's smell good here." He said to Jack.

"That's cause mom and i made cookies." He said cheerfully.

I went to the kitchen to finish the dishes so i couldn't hear the rest of their conversation.

After a few minutes Luke walked into and leaned against the counter.

"How are you doing? You don't seem to exited for your vacation." He spoke calmly.

I shrugged. "It's alright i guess."

He grabbed a towel and stared to dry the dishes that i had just cleaned. "You're scared that you're going to bored, aren't you?"

"I know that i am gonna be bored. Maddy is on vacation and there's nothing else that i can really do. The only activity that i have is taking care of Jack and my mom."

"You that we can always hire a nanny. I don't want you to feel like your missing out on things."

"I don't mind doing it,..it's 's just hard." I said not really knowing how to say it.

"I understand that. It's hard to see your mother like this but just know that she loves you and that she needs you right now."

I smiled at him as handed him the last plate to dry off.

He put the plate back into the cupboard and trew his arm over my shoulder.

"Let's relax for a bit." He said with a smile.

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