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I still had a lot of time to kill before i could sneak out. I decided to play something on my guitar. Making music was one of the few things that truly calmed me down and what made me happy.

My parent's weren't the musical type but they tried to support me the best way possible. My dad had always been better in that, he was the one who bought my first guitar and he brought me to my first lesson. My mom tried to be supportive but she just couldn't understand why a box with strings made me so happy.

I had quit my lessons after my dad had died. My motivation for music had kinda faded after the accident.

I was trying to pick up music agian. School was going really bad these last few months and i wanted to have some sort of backup plan, making music would be that plan.

My school was having a talent show in a few weeks and i was planning on joining. I originally wanted to make my own song but I've been so busy lately that I've decided to just cover an song. My choice right now was creep by radiohead but i might change it later because i didn't really have the right voice for it.

Ashton was sitting downstairs with my mother while Jack was sleeping in room. It was safe for me to sneak out of my window. I had offered Ashton to stay the night, he was surprised but happily accepted it.

I grabbed my jacket and put it on. It kinda ruined my outfit but it was freezing outside. I opened my window and walked on my roof until i reached the rainpipe where i climbed down.

I ran towards the end of the street were Maddy was waiting for me in her car.

"Ready to party?" She asked me as i stepped into the car.

"Definitely." I said smiling.

I followed her inside the house. She first went to talk to Trixie but i wasn't interesting in meeting trixie. I walked into the kitchen and made myself a drink, whiskey mixed with cola. I leaned against the counter when i saw a boy staring at me. He was pretty tall with dark brown hair, blue eyes and he looked like he was around 18 years old.

When he noticed that i had spotted him he stood up and walked towards me.

"You don't look familiar. Are you a friend of Trixie?" He said in a deep voice.

"No, i don't really know Trixie. My friend Maddy knows her and i just tagged along."

"Same with me. I came here to have a good time. Wanna join me? " He said pointing to the table were he and his friends were seated.


He put his arm around my shoulders and guided my to the table were he was sitting with a few others guys.

He sat down and padded his lap, he wanted me to sit on his lap. I laughed.

"I would like to know your name first."

He gave my a big smile and introduced himself. "I'm Adam."

I also introduced myself.

I Chugged my drink and then I sat on his lap, he wrapped his arm around my waist to make sure that i wouldn't fall off.

"Put your hand on the table." He whispered into my ear. His warm breath in my neck made my shiver.

I did as he asked and put my hand on the table.

He pulled a small knife out of his pocket and held it right next to my hand. "Do you remember that game that everybody played in middle school?" He asked with a soft voice.

I smiled. "I sure do."

His friends cheered him on while he quickly moved the blade between my fingers. I tried my best not to withdrawal my hand. It scared me but i absolutely adored the adrenaline rush it gave me.

Unexpected Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora