Chapter 2

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I turned on my phone, and the lock screen showed a picture of me and the boy holding a dog. I recognised the dog, Hatchi. He was Perrie's.
Great, I didn't know my boyfriend, but I knew the goddamn dog.
My thumbs reached into my subconscious for the passcode and typed the words n1all1993. His face filled the screen as my home screen wallpaper.
God, he was everywhere.
My texts showed eleven new messages from the contact Niall xx and twenty three missed calls from the same ID.
I scrolled through my Instagram and saw nearly a quarter of the posts with me and him. My camera roll was filled with his features next to mine, but that's all he was: features on a blank canvas. He was a complete stranger to me, even though we obviously had a life together.
I marched back out and grabbed the boy's shirt, dragging him into my room(which, thankfully, my mum had vacated). The boy--no, Niall--just stared at me, eyes wild. I have to stop calling him "the boy."
"Oh, good," he said, his accent not from England. "Jade, I thought you hated me or...or something. I'm just so glad you're alright." His voice had a definite Irish twang to it. He wrapped his arms around me and pressed a kiss to my lips.
I pushed him back, confused. "Niall, I don't hate you its just...I know this sounds like it's from a film we'd go see at the cinema, but I'm telling you the truth when I say that I don't remember you. In the accident, I almost drowned and the oxygen wasn't enough--"
"Yeah, I know. I was told it was possible. I just didn't think it would happen," he said. He looked absolutely gutted, his wild eyes tamed, and his gorgeous lips turned down.
"Niall, I--"
"--no," he cut me off. "I need some time to think."
"Of course."
He pressed a soft kiss to my forehead, breathing in deeply. Then he pulled away and gave me the saddest look I've ever seen in my life, and he was gone.

About half an hour later he came back and hugged me again. "I'm so sorry, babe, I don't know what I was thinking. I would never just take off like that. I won't give up. I'll try to get you your memories back, and if you don't, it's okay, because we'll make new ones," he said.
God, no wonder I'd fallen in love with him. Love? It couldn't be love, I don't believe in love. But as I looked into his eyes, I saw it. Not lust, not like, not want or need, love.
Three years we'd been together, according to my Mum. Of course I loved him.
"Everyone has gone already. Your Mum and family had to catch an early flight, and the girls are in their rooms. Perrie's boyfriend is here though as well," he told me. "Her boyfriend is in a band with me, Z--"
"--ayn. Zayn Malik!" I said excitedly, happy I remembered. "One Direction is Zayn Malik, Louis Tomlinson, Harry Styles, Niall...Niall Horan? and Liam Payne."
Niall nodded, then, a bit angrily, he muttered, "Of course you'd remember Liam and not me."
"He has a crush on you," Niall said loudly.
"He has a girlfriend."
"Not anymore."
I didn't say anything to that.
"Wanna see something?" he asked. He pulled out his phone after I nodded and opened something, handing me it.
His screen displayed a picture of me and him posing at a beach, my lips painted a deep red, my cheeks rosy from the sun. I swiped left and saw one of us kissing, lying on a blanket in the sand. I swiped left again and saw just me, staring into the sunset on the water, my hair windswept. My dress was a lovely white, my feet bare.
"Let's get out of here," he said, interrupting my thoughts.
"C'mon, we'll drive out of of the city away from the crowds and the paps and have a nice drive, we'll take drinks and crisps and biscuits," Niall said. "We can talk."
"Um, sure."
"Great!" He leaned in for a kiss on instinct, out of habit, but I pulled away, still not comfortable with kissing a stranger.
No, not a stranger--my boyfriend. His eyes darkened and his eyebrows turned up in the middle, his lips parted. I tried to explain to him, "I'm sorry, it's just..."
"Yeah. I get it."

I played a couple chords on the electric piano I had stashed in the corner of my room and messed around a bit, scribbling sheet music to lyrics and then erasing and rearranging. Finally, I had a finished song to go on the third album of ours.
Niall had dropped me off less than an hour ago, and I started writing immediately. This was the fastest song is ever written. Someone knocked on my door and peeked in. It was Perrie. "Hiya, Pez."
"Hiya. Are you writing a song?
"Yeah. Well, not anymore; I finished it. Wanna hear?"
She nodded and took a seat on my bed as I pressed play on my phone. I'd recorded a drum pattern, a simple one that sounded like a heartbeat and looped it so it would keep circling around and playing the same thing. My fingers rested on the keys and I began to play.
"He said, 'Let's get out of this town and drive out of the city. Away from the crowds. I thought heaven can't help me now. Nothing lasts forever, but this is getting good now."
Niall and I took that drive and he told me about the ups and downs of our relationship, and told me about how Liam had recently broken up with Danielle. All it did was reenforce my belief that relationships don't last. Not even marriage. My own parents were divorced, but Niall talked like we would never break up...and from the pictures he showed me, it looked like that, too. But I knew it couldn't be.
I told myself when I was ten that if any boy changed my mind about relationships and love, I would marry him. So far, nobody has.
"He's so tall and handsome as hell. He's so bad, but he does it so well. I can see the end as it begins, my one condition is..."
I could see us breaking up. Probably over this memory thing. He has a million fans, and probably at least half of them could legally date him(plus, even if they weren't old enough, they still probably would). From what I remember, they know every goddamn thing about him, his likes and dislikes and birthday, and once upon a time I suppose I knew them too. But not anymore.
Why have a girl who doesn't even know him if he could have someone who would stand by him forever and be the perfect girlfriend? But he was so charming and so witty, and I allowed myself to take a chance on him. On the boy I'd supposedly been in love with for three years, and stay with him.
"...say you'll remember me standing in a nice dress, staring at the sunset, babe. Red lips and rosy cheeks. Say you'll see me again, even if it's just in your wildest dreams."
I asked him to remember me as the girl in that picture he showed. The girl who was madly in love with him. The girl who knew him inside and out. The girl who would jump into his arms and kiss him senseless when he got back from a trip because of One Direction or from a tour. The girl who would surprise him with football tickets, and have him surprise her with flowers and Disneyland passes. The girl that was romantic without trying, and accepted romance in return.

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