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Walking into school with Miller's hand held tightly in mine, was one of the proudest moments of my life. Knowing that I could kiss them, hold their hand, fix their unkept hair that was growing out to almost past their chin, whenever I wanted to, was surreal. Miller is my partner. This isn't a dream. This is reality.

"Why did you have me meet you here so early?" Miller asked as soon as we got to my locker. He was twenty minutes before class began, and hardly anyone was here.

"So I could show you off to the whole school as they arrive."

"Zion." Miller whined. "Don't be so sappy." They pushed at my chest, but stopped when they saw that I genuinely meant what I said.

"That's why? Really?" Their voice was softer now as they searched my eyes for my answer.

"Yeah. Well, and to kiss you as much as I could before—" Miller's lips on mine made it impossible to finish my sentence. Their eyes sparkled with emotion when they pulled away, and I found myself getting lost in the depth of their complexity.

"You don't mind being seen with me?" They sounded so relieved, that I frowned, pulling away from them slightly.

"Don't mind? Miller, I'm so proud to be able to call you my partner. I honestly can't wait to tell everyone. It's taking everything in me not to run around, screaming it to the whole school that you're mine now."

Miller blushed slightly, ducking their head to hide their eyes. I placed my hand gently under their chin, bringing their eyes up to meet mine.

"Why did you think I would mind?" I could already guess why, but I wanted to hear it from them. I wanted to calm their fears and make them understand how much they meant to me.

"Because I'm...I'm genderfluid...and—and no one really gets that. Most people thing I'm weird. And then, well...a lot of them know why I wasn't in school a little while back, and, well, everyone likes you."

"Are you ashamed of me for being a guy?" I asked, and Miller looked so confused I almost smiled. But I wanted to make a point, and I wanted them to know how serious I was about them.

"No, of course not." They looked like they wanted to say more, but I quickly spoke again.

"Doesn't it sound ridiculous when I say it like that?" Miller nodded, but very slowly, as of trying to see what I was getting at before they agreed. "That would be like me being ashamed of you for being genderfluid."

Understanding dawned in Miller's eyes, tears gathering in their eyes as they looked at me in wonder.

"How do you always do that? Know exactly what to say to make me feel better?"

"I don't know." I admitted, wrapped my arms around them again and pulling them close to me. "It's easy with you because I like you. I like you, and I don't care who knows. In fact, I want them all to know."

"Stop being so perfect." Miller grumbled, kissing my cheek, leaving a solitary tear behind when they pulled away. They wiped it off my cheek quickly, maybe hoping I wouldn't notice, but I caught their wrist gently, kissing the fingertips that were still wet from their tear.

"Only when you stop being an angel." I leaned closer to them, moving my hand so that I could lace my fingers through theirs. Our lips were almost touching again, when I heard someone call my name.

"Zion, is that you?"

I turned around quickly, surprised to see Rowan, backpack over his shoulder, and a stack of books in his hands.

"Sorry to interrupt, but I had to talk to you."

"It's fine." I offered him a right smile, pulling away from Miller reluctantly, but keeping my hand in theirs. "What's going on? You going somewhere?" He definitely didn't look ready for classes to start in a few minutes. Miller looked between the two of us curiously. They'd probably never spoken to Rowan before, or at least, not more than in greeting.

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