Meeting DPRK

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         Her words were like magic- the guards froze, exchanging glances, before one of them jumped on a walkie-talkie and started rattling off instructions in Korean. Within what had to be a 'national security vehicle rolling up to arrest a spy' record-breaking amount of time, a large, black military-esque van had pulled up, and she was being hustled to her feet and patted down, probably for knives, guns, or even a suicide jacket. Finding nothing, they roughly shoved her into the back of the van, where several other men and women in black body armour were already waiting.

       She was grabbed and restrained, hands tied together, and blindfolded, before being sat down on a bench, two of her guards sitting beside her. Though she couldn't see, she could sense that there were gun barrels being pointed at her, ready to shoot if she made a wrong move. The silence in her holding space was deafening, with only the muffled radio chatter coming through the wall dividing them from the driver's side. She was used to being surrounded by silent guards, though.

        Despite this, by around the forty minute mark, she was feeling twitchy. She hadn't thought that the ride would take this long, but maybe they were driving in circles to try and confuse her, or something. She had seen that in the copious amount of spy movies that she had been forced to consume. She tried to control herself. Though she didn't think that they would kill an American spy before interrogating her, she didn't want to run the risk of losing a leg.

      Eventually, she felt the van reach a halt, and the darkness of her blindfold got slightly lighter as the doors were opened. She was hauled to her feet again, and moved forward by a hand on her arm. She misjudged the step down from the back, though, and fell to her knees with a cry, accidentally wresting herself from their grasp. Unable to catch herself due to her bound hands, she hit the ground face first.

       "Get her up," one of the agents barked. Along with 'something, something... Korea.'

       Y/N froze. "W-Wait a minute! Where are you taking me?"

       Her blindfold, dislodged by her fall, had slipped slightly down her face, allowing her to see her surroundings. She froze. Instead of being in front of the place that she had expected to be- the Worker's Party Headquarters- she was in front of another building, a high-rise just as recognisable from her researching, that made her blood run cold.

       She looked up at one of her captors. "Aren't you taking me to see the Supreme Leader?"

       The woman, apparently taking pity on her, answered. "The Supreme Leader is busy. We're taking you to see Korea."

       Then her blindfold was pushed back up, and tied tighter, as she was moved swiftly along. It was too tight on her eyes, now, but she could barely feel it. She was dead-meat. With the Supreme Leader she had at least had a chance at begging for mercy, but now... she was toast. So she let herself be prodded up a set of stairs and into the cool shade of a building, then up more stairs.

        Eventually her guards shoved her forward, then retreated, and she heard a door shut behind her.

         Y/N froze, going silent, unsure if she was alone or not. She didn't hear any breathing, and so cautiously decided to lower herself to the floor, which felt like marble. She was shaking too badly to stand anymore. No one tried to stop her, which confirmed her suspicions. Her hands were still bound, and she was still blindfolded, so there was nothing left to do but sit still and try to stop the hot ball of tension in her stomach from swallowing her whole.

       She stayed like that for several minutes, which felt much longer. She had just started to calm down when the door slammed open and two sets of footsteps came in, causing her to jolt like a frightened rabbit.

      "Get her up," growled a harsh male voice, and someone grabbed her, yanking her once more to her feet.

         "Take off her blindfold and leave," the voice ordered, and the silent person complied. As the cloth was removed from her eyelids, she blinked in the bright light coming both from the bulb above her head and the window behind her. She just caught the glimpse of a woman with a gun leaving the room, and shutting the door behind her.

       And in front of her...

    The Countryhuman- North Korea himself.

        Unlike some of the others, she had only ever seen him on T.V., usually on broadcasts where he was standing above his people at a military parade, dressed in a general's uniform, while an American voiceover listed the reasons that America's army was better.

        He wasn't wearing a military uniform now, though, just a black button-down shirt with a turned up collar, and a pair of khaki trousers. And a very unimpressed look on his flag-patterned face.

       "I work hard all day, and this is what is sent my way?" He gave Y/N a dismissive once-over that made her feel very small. "You don't look like much of a spy."

      "I-I'm sorry," Y/N stammered. North Korea's look of disappointment was bringing her memories of his face, making her legs feel even more watery than before. "I just- I-"

      "Do you speak English?" the Countryhuman barked, cutting her off.

       She nodded shakily.

     "Good, your Korean is terrible." He switched to English. "Who are you, and what are you doing in my country?"

       'Here it goes.' Despite the hopelessness of her situation, Y/N still had to try. She had come too far not to.

      "I'm (F/N L/N), and I'm not a spy."

      North Korea's eye narrowed. "My agents say that you declared yourself an American spy. You are trying to take this back?"

       "I'm just- I-" All of her planned pleading- as well as most of her knowledge of Korean- had flown out the window under his cold, unfeeling glare, and she could feel tears start to well in her eyes.

       "Please!" she burst out, bowing low and using the one Korean phrase that she could still remember, having whispered it to herself under her breath over and over again for the last two months. "Please let me stay here!"

I'm a North Koreaboo, ^uㅅu^ Real talk, though- blowing up the liaison office was a power move, and much deserved. The talks a couple years ago were meant to try to work things out, but South Korea hasn't done anything about lessening sanctions.

Also people always say 'Nukes are dangerous we should get rid of them,' and bring North Korea into it, but...
Total warheads
America- 5 550
UK- 225
India- 160
France- 290
Israel- 90
North Korea- 45

Numbers speak on their own.

Safeway Pyongyang // Reader x CountryhumansWhere stories live. Discover now