Pretty Lies

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    Just as North had said, SH was back the next day, walking in halfway through breakfast, and scarfing down her rice like she was starving. North wordlessly pushed his bowl over to her, and the province ate that, too, nodding gratefully at her country.

    "Are you... okay?" Y/N whispered, leaning towards the province. Her light blue blouse smelled singed, like smoke.

    "Yeah." SH gave her a tired smile, but she did seem to be more relaxed than the last time that Y/N had seen her. "Sorry for running off on you like that."

    "It's okay." Y/N glanced at North, who was glaring at them suspiciously. "I actually had fun."

    "That's a new one," South Pyongan said, right into Y/N's ear, making her jump. "I don't think anyone's actually had fun hanging out with Korea before."

    "Don't be mean." SH reached across Y/N to swat her sister/cousin on the arm. "We just have to work a lot when we're with him."

    North cleared his throat, and all three girls straightened up guiltily. "Don't you have a job to get to?"

    "Yes, sir!" SH shot to her feet, and almost fell back over onto Y/N. "Sorry," she apologised. "I'm a little tired. Don't worry, I can still drive."

    North gave her a wary look. "North Pyongan, drive them to Central Television."

    "Yes, sir." North Pyongan offered SH his arm, gently guiding her out of the room, and to the car.

    "Sorry." SH yawned. "I'm taking you away from your work."

    "It's no problem." North Pyongan glanced at Y/N in the mirror, before telling his cousin, "You've worked hard. You deserve to rest."

    "I'm fine," the province mumbled. "I can stay awake."

    Despite her words, she dozed off while Y/N was in the studio, and barely woke up when North Hamgyong came to get them at the end of the day. Her brother had to lift her into the car. He took off his black jacket and folded it under his sister's head, like a pillow.

    As she sat in the backseat in tense silence, Y/N wished that North Pyongan had been the one to come back for her, or even North Korea. Despite the country's coldness, at least he didn't radiate outright dislike like North Hamgyong.

    She looked up and caught the province's white stare in the mirror. Squeaking, she quickly averted her gaze. Gathering her courage, she lifted her head up and locked eyes again.

    "W-Why do you hate me?" she asked, voice quivering. She had been playing possible scenarios for this conversation through her head, the worst of which was the province just pulling over on the bridge up ahead and tossing her into the river.

    North Hamgyong sighed and reached over to adjust the jacket under SH's head. His green skin was slightly dirty with something that looked like the same mechanical grease that his white tank top was stained with. "Because I'm getting a headstart on when you backstab us."

    "I'm really... not going to do that," Y/N gently protested. "Don't you think that North would be the first one to know if I was?"

    "'North?'" North Hamgyong asked skeptically, raising his eyebrows.

    Y/N blushed and looked away.

    "Korea's too optimistic," the province continued bitterly.

    "Optimistic?" North Korea? That really wasn't the vibe that Y/N had gotten from the country.

    North Hamgyong 'tch'ed.' "Nevermind."

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