Old Bruises

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       When Y/N next opened her eyes, she took several more minutes to just lie in bed, marvelling at the fact that she could sleep in. No getting up before dawn to arrange breakfast, and staying awake to see him off, no getting up to clean before he came home, no one hustling her awake in the middle of the night coming home late. She had actually had a full, uninterrupted sleep.

       Eventually, though, she sat up. Though she didn't have to make anyone breakfast, she did still have responsibilities. She stretched, yawning, and glanced at the window. Judging by the light streaming through it, it was about midday. She had slept for a full twenty-four hours.

     Getting to her feet, she wandered over to the window, and- after some investigating- figured out how to open the blinds. They raised, letting more light flood in, causing Y/N to squint. After her eyes adjusted, she looked out. The room was facing Kim Il-sung Square, giving her a beautiful view of it and the river beyond.

      The light was glittering off of the water, and she felt tears well in her eyes, being hit again with how free she was. She hurriedly wiped them away, and turned from the window. Her freedom came at a price, but it was one that she could pay.

       She went to go to the door, but realised that there was a new addition to her room. Her pink Kånken bag was sitting on the box shelf, under the portraits, looking out of place in such a traditional room. Walking over to it, she found that it also came with some folded fabric and a note, with a single word written twice, both in English and Choson'gul- the North Korean writing system.


       Picking up the fabric and unfolding it revealed that it was indeed clothes. A black high-collared blouse, and a white skirt, with a stripe of gold and a stripe of red. Rubbing the fabric between her fingers, it felt just like regular cotton. There was also a pair of socks. Placed on top of them was a red flag pin decorated with the smiling faces of Kim Jong-il and Kim Il-sung.

       Y/N got dressed in the clothes, wondering who had put them in the room. She had become accustomed to awakening at the slightest sound, so it was strange that someone coming in hadn't woken her.

      'I must have really been asleep,' she thought, finishing sticking on the pin and slipping on some sandals that has also been left there. It felt strange to be wearing socks in sandals, but she knew that it was something that East Asians did.

        Almost as soon as she had finished dressing, and was just starting to reach for her bag to put her concealer back, someone knocked on the door, and before she could say 'come in,' opened it, peering in. Upon seeing her, the person's eyes lit up, and she swung the door fully open, bouncing in. It was the white Provincehuman with the red flower that she had seen before.

       "Hello!" she chirped, closing the door behind her, but not before adding "Tell Korea that she's awake!" to whomever was outside it. Turning back to Y/N, she smiled. "You've been asleep for awhile."

       "Um, sorry." Y/N blinked guiltily.

     "Oh no! It's nothing to be sorry for. You must have been tired. Korea says that you were awake for over seventy-two hours." The girl walked to her and bowed. "I'm South Hamgyong, by the way. We're going to be working together. It's nice to meet you."

      "I'm (F/N L/N)." She bowed clumsily back. "Nice to meet you, too."

     Straightening up, South Hamgyong smiled approvingly at her. "Those clothes are mine, by the way."

       "Oh, I'm sorry." Y/N was startled. "I-"

      "No, no," the province rushed. "I was just going to say that they look good on you. Very cute."

Safeway Pyongyang // Reader x CountryhumansDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora