Familiar Face

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    It was another four days in the infirmary (which she had learned was on the third floor of the high-rise), before Y/N was both bored enough and strong enough to leave her room.

   Tentatively, she opened the door of the infirmary. She frowned- her guards weren't there.

    Wandering down the hall, she waited for someone to call out to her and tell her to go back to her room. No one did.

    Getting into the elevator, hand clasped over her side, she pressed the button for the lobby, praying that it would work, as she didn't think that she could yet take the stairs. Luckily, it did. It seemed like the electricity was working pretty well lately- according to SH, they had recently started to build a new hydro-electric plant to bolster the city.

    Her steps echoed on the marble floor. She was looking at the welcome desk, wondering where everyone was, and when she turned to the left, she ran directly into someone.

    Unsteady, she stumbled backward, grabbing her side in pain. The stranger grabbed her gently by the shoulders, straightening her before letting go, tucking his red hands into his long sleeves.

   "Sorry to startle you. Are you okay?" China smiled as he asked the question.

   Y/N was just more startled now. She remembered that North had told her that the Chinese Countryhuman would be visiting, but hadn't realised that it would be today. He had sounded on edge when he had told her to stay hidden. Y/N had had no other intentions.

   "Why?" she had asked. "Isn't China your friend?"

    "He's an ally," North had said. "But he's the kind of ally that you pat-down before you let him near you."

    With those words in mind, Y/N backed away slightly. "Um, y-yes. I'm sorry, I just... didn't hear you approach."

   His narrow eyes crinkled at the corners. "Yes, I'm good at that."

    He was wearing a long, red, Chinese-style traditional dress, embroidered with gold at the collar, sleeves, and seam, along with sandals. His five-star flag was patterned on his red face.

    "If you don't mind," he said politely, cocking his head at her. "Can I ask why North has an American in his home? I haven't seen you before."

    Y/N's heart kicked into gear as she realised that she had been speaking English with the Chinese Countryhuman. "Oh, I'm, uh, a... defector!" she blurted. "I came here for a, um, school program, and... decided to stay."

   China's small smile remained the exact same. "The last time I checked, Americans can't get Visas for the DPRK- America won't let them. And, come to think of it-"

   The red country reached out a hand and gently grabbed her chin, tilting her face left and right. "I said I haven't seen you before, but on closer inspection-" He leaned in closer, still smiling the same peaceful smile, and opened his eyes slightly wider, exposing their white colour. "I think I have."

   Y/N swallowed, sure that the country could feel her pulse beating against his slim fingers. She wanted to deny his accusations, but her throat felt swollen too tight to breathe, let alone speak. The country's smile seemed much more sinister when his eyes were open like that.

    The elevator 'ding'ed, and China quickly released her, straightening up and tucking his hands back into his sleeves. "North," he greeted, bowing.

   "China," North said warily, looking at them both strangely as he returned the bow. "Come talk with me in my office. You-" he said to Y/N. "-Should be upstairs."

   "Especially with that wound," China mysteriously hummed, and Y/N's hand flew to her side. "I can see the bandages under the robe," he placated as she looked at him in suspicion.

    "I don't have all day, and I'm sure you don't, either," North said gruffly. "Let's go." He turned back to the elevator.

    As his back was turned, China put a hand on Y/N's shoulder from behind, leaning over to whisper in her ear. "Don't worry- I won't tell." He glided after the other Communist country, into the elevator.

    He gave her a slight bow as the doors slid shut.


    "So you have a plaything now, North?" China cocked his head at the smaller country.

    "I'm not like you, China," North said roughly, crossing his arms. Both of the Countryhumans were conversing in their native tongues.

    "Mm," China hummed. "She's pretty. How did she get hurt?"

    "That's what I have to talk to you about. But not until we're in my office," North said. "Just in case."

    "So paranoid," the red Countryhuman sighed. "I'm here- you shouldn't be worried."

    "You're here, so I should be extra worried," North growled.

    China laughed, and North- after keeping his stone-faced facade for a moment longer- allowed the corners of his lips to turn up.


   Y/N found Hwang and Chagang in the dining hall, and sandwiched herself between them, asking the Hwanghae to tell her about what he was reading.

   The glasses-wearing Provincehuman was delighted, and started to teach her about the Collective Farming System. Y/N felt a little guilty because- truth be told- her heart was still beating too hard to hear properly. She couldn't break out of the fear that she had felt when China had looked into her eyes.

   'I think I have.'

   Y/N glanced at the dark blue-skinned province to her left. Chagang was peacefully sipping his tea, staring into subspace. The girl nestled slightly closer to him, hoping that he wouldn't notice. She felt safer next to the military-suited Provincehuman, even if she knew logically that her fear wasn't something that he could protect her from.

    'I think I have.'

    She had been lucky enough to have escaped North's attention, but it seemed that China was either more up-to-date, or more observant.

   When SH poked her head in a couple hours later to tell her cousins that it was time to send China off, Y/N cowered on her cushion, before gathering enough courage to creep to the gilded doors and glance out.

    The provinces were lined up behind North in front of the lobby desk. China bowed to them, and they bowed back, led by their Countryhuman.

    While they were facing the floor, China caught her gaze. Due to his narrow eyes, Y/N couldn't say for sure that he was looking at her, but knew in her fight-or-flight reflex that he was.

    He raised a finger to his lips in a 'ssh' gesture, before gliding out the door, robe swishing.

I'm going backpacking from Italy to China sometime soon. Or maybe just China. It's going to be so fun.

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