13. Confrontation

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Chapter 13

Soundtrack: None

Sunset was approaching when my feet touched the earth. "Hey! ___!" a familiar voice called out. I swivelled my head, ignoring Jack's groan of annoyance, and met the eyes of Hiccup.

He gave Jack an irritated glance. "I heard what happened; I've been looking for you all day. You shouldn't be flying, it's too dangerous," he reasoned, waving his hands to add depth to his words. I lowered my head and gave him an apologetic look.

Jack scoffed and tugged at my neck. "Come on, I was having fun," he grumbled, shooting a glare at Hiccup. I rolled my shoulders slightly and managed to dislodge his hands. He dismounted reluctantly and gave my head a brief pat.

As he turned to go, Hiccup called him back and said simply, "I want to talk to you. Alone."

. . .

[Hiccup's POV]

I gazed steadily at the silver-haired trouble-maker before me. He stared back, indignation and rebellion gleaming in his blue eyes.

I wondered if ___ found him attractive. Not that I cared. Was it even possible for a Former to fall in love with a human?

Jack cleared his throat, catching my attention. I sighed and rubbed my face roughly. Jack was only a few years younger than me, and it was unlikely someone with his... temperament would listen to me. Nevertheless it was my duty to do this.

"Look, Jack," - he rolled his eyes - "I know you didn't grow up in Berk, and until now I've let you get off with doing what you want, but I think it's time I set some rules regarding your... lack of interest in the effect of your actions on other people."

Jack shifted positions against the wall of the Dragon Stables, clearly displeased with where I was going. I paused as a Viking - Lobbing, a friend of Gobber's - walked past. He nodded at me respectfully and I returned the gesture.

"Before you go any further, Hiccup," Jack spat angrily, "I'd like to say you have no control over my actions whatsoever. I'll do what I want. Ever since I got here two months ago I've been bored to death; no one knows any good jokes or pranks. So the responsibility of having fun falls to me. Now I'd kindly like it if you left me to my duties, Chief Hiccup," he said nonchalantly, peering at his overly immaculate nails.

I narrowed my eyes. "If you think you can walk in here and just- just disturb everything I've worked hard for, you're wrong. The next time I catch you doing something like that stunt you pulled with ___, you're out of here. Understood?" I shot back, the urge to yell at him spiking sharply.

He shrugged and gave me a sidelong glance - accompanied by a smirk - as he strode away, no doubt heading off to do exactly the opposite of what I wanted.

I scowled and stalked off, more annoyed than ever.

. . .

[Your/The Former's POV]

I watched Hiccup and Jack stride away towards the Dragon Stables, knowing what Hiccup meant to do. I shook my head and released a soft purr-like rumble, a little worried about how Jack would react. He didn't seem to be very, well, law-abiding.

My black paws left deep marks in the snow as I walked, heading for a nearby feeding station. Hiccup was right - I shouldn't be flying. I needed rest, and ignoring the signs my body wasn't totally recovered wouldn't help.

Since the unusual... fit - I winced at the word - that had overcome me, some of the Vikings had begun treating me warily again, and a few showed open distrust or dislike.

Honestly, I wasn't surprised. Something bad had happened to Hiccup's mother because of someone like me. At least they weren't calling for my blood.

"___!" Jack called out from behind me. I swivelled my head and rustled my wings in annoyance. Didn't I just get rid of you? I joked inwardly.

Jack came bounding up, and gave me a winning smile. "Snotlout told me this morning that there's a Dragon Race on later. You wanna enter?" he asked excitedly.

I'll bet Hiccup doesn't want me to, I thought, and gave Jack an are-you-serious-right-now look. He rolled his eyes and groaned loudly, drawing the attention of a small group of younger girls that were walking past. They giggled and Jack rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly, looking at me with puppy-dog eyes. "Please?" he murmured hopefully.

Gods, Jack. I stared at him for a moment longer, knowing I shouldn't give in... but I really wanted to race, and I doubted that after the incident at training any of the other young Vikings would be game enough to ride me.

I flicked Jack with my tail and nodded. Jack whooped loudly and roughly scratched the scales on the top of my head affectionately. "Sweet! I'll come find you when it's time. Just stay on the island, yeah?" he confirmed, the excitement and mischievousness back in his voice.

I blew gently on his silver hair and he took this as an 'okay', before racing off again, no doubt to cause mischief.

A/N: I was just writing random lovey-dovey one-shot things and I made one that's totally perfect for what Hiccup would do! I really wanna just skip forward and get to the cuteness. I'll try and update quick - there's probably four or five more chapters before she changes back! I'm so impatient, and I can't even imagine how you guys must be feeling XD I PROMISE TO UPDATE QUICKLY. (Or try to, anyway... got a lot of crap on my plate right now.)

Oh, also, I've already written a draft of the chapter where she/you change, so maybe I'll give you guys a sneak peek some time!

Next update may not be for a while or so; I need to smooth over a kink in the plot to do with Jack.

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