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The second I hear that voice is like I'm being punched in the gut.

I look up from the book I was checking out and all the air leaves my lungs when I confirm my suspicion of who it is, but I try really hard not to let it show.

"Oh my gosh, it is you," he walks towards me and suddenly I find myself standing in front of Vic Fuentes.

Holy. Shit.

I've lost count of how many years it's been since we last saw each other, but it's definitely been a long, long time. He looks different now, grown up. His hair is much shorter than how he used to carry it, barely reaching his chin now, and his cheeks have gotten a bit chubby. But it's like his essence is still the same. He's kept his nose ring. And his clothing style is definitely the same. Snapback, cotton t-shirt, battered jeans, pair of Vans. Signature Vic style.

He smiles at me and I don't know how, but I smile back.

"I– Oh my God," I stammer out, internally shaking my head at how long it took me to reply. "Vic, hey."

"Hi!" He tries to come in for a hug but I hesitate and he stops himself, then feeling bad for rejecting him, I go for the embrace again despite this being awkward enough.

We hug for half a millisecond and I hold my breath.

"I can't believe this, it's been what, fifteen years?" Vic asks as we pull away.

I laugh a bit to decrease my discomfort and nod. Wow. I think it's really been fifteen years. That is a lot of time.

"Yeah, I think so," comes my reply. I'm still smiling. I don't know why. It was always easy to smile around him, I guess. "How have you been?"

"Oh you know, work, family, usual stuff." He says nonchalantly, waving his hands around. "I was just looking for something new to read, and there you were."

"And here I was," I chuckle and internally shake my head again. "What were you buying?"

"I was deciding between these two," he shows me the two paperbacks in his hands and I nod. I've read those two. Both are amazing. I'm glad he still has good taste.

"Go for Murakami, you won't like the other one it's too slow-burn for you," I say without thinking my words through. He laughs and leaves the book I called slow back on the shelf.

"Sorry, I mean, I don't know what you read now or..." I try to fix what I said. That was a too personal comment for someone you haven't seen in more than a decade.

"That's alright," he says and smiles at me. "I was leaning towards this one anyway."

"Great," I reply quickly and nod my head. I'm nodding way too much. "I think you're going to like it."

"Right, I'd forgotten how you've probably read all the books in this library," he teases and I almost, almost, blush.

"Not all of them," I retort. "Maybe 75%, give or take."

He snorts and I laugh too, earning ourselves a dirty look from the lady at the checkout counter.

"But seriously, read that one it's going to blow your mind," I say finally. He looks at the cover and turns it around.

"Yeah, I think I will." He agrees and looks up at me again. "What were you going to get?"

I show him the hardcover in my hand. "I wanted to read a new release best seller, and I think this one could be it."

"Seems cool," Vic says reading the cover. "If you judge it by the cover."

"Yeah, I might keep looking, though."

Maybe In Another Life | Kellic (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now