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Johnnie's is definitely still running. Thriving, even. I actually can't believe it. Fifteen years ago the place had like twenty years in the business,  so now the place is almost forty years old. And it only seems to be growing and getting better. 

When I get out of my car I stare at the building I used to know like my second home. It looks different, but at the same time it feels the same. I notice Vic reaching my side and he does the same as me. And we're both definitely thinking the same thing. 

"Would you look at that?" He ponders and I nod.

"They've redecorated a bit," I say glancing towards the inside. It looks modern, compared to how it was before.

"I really hope the food is still great," he continues. "I'll actually be sad if they ruined it."

I couldn't agree more. 

We both go inside and yeah, it's definitely more modern now. The booths are still that bright red, the counter as well. I could see the waitresses wearing a more trendy version of the uniforms from before, and  oh- they have male waiters now too. They're all walking around carrying plates and drinks over to the busy tables. A young waiter approaches us then and Vic tells him it's just the two of us, he sets us up on a booth at the far corner near the biggest window. It isn't our then-usual-spot, but it'll do.

"Wow," I say once I've sat down and eye the menu on my hands.

"Wow, indeed," he agrees and I chuckle.

It should feel weirder. Sitting here with Vic after all this time. After everything that went down. But it doesn't, somehow. It feels familiar and sort of warm. I don't know. Maybe it was a bad idea to come here, but there's nothing I can do about it now, can I?

I keep eyeing the menu options when I finally glance towards Vic's left hand and my stomach drops unintentionally. There is a ring. A silver band hugs his ring finger perfectly and I don't know why I'm surprised. Of course he got married. He always wanted to. I'm glad he found his one, though. Really. I wonder if he'll tell me about it. About him.

"What are you getting?" He asks looking up from his menu.

I quickly go back to sorting through the dishes. "I think I'll just have the classic rodeo burger." I say. "You know, old habits."

"You literally always ordered that!" He laughs. "Okay, if we're doing it like that, I'll have the hot wings with a..." he pointed his finger though the menu.

"A strawberry milkshake." We both say at the same time. He does excitedly, I do with a groan.

"I can't believe you're that disgusting still," Who gets wings with a milkshake?

He laughs loudly and shakes his head. "No, I actually don't think my stomach could handle that now."

I grin just as the waiter from before comes by to take our orders. When we finish telling him what we want and he goes off, I notice the wall behind Vic, on the opposite wall of the diner. The memories board is still up there.

"Oh my God," I say, still looking at the colorful board holding tons and tons of pictures, all pasted over the other.

I remember when Billy, the owner of the place, created this board place on the wall because he wanted people to leave their keepsakes in the diner. It was a pretty cool idea at the time. Vic and I always wanted to leave a picture, but we then decided it had to be a very special moment, so we left our photo on our first anniversary, which was our junior year I think. Man, it really was a long time ago. I wonder if the picture is still there.

"What?" Vic asks and looks behind him. "Oh," he continues when he notices the board. "Do you think...?" He looks back at me and I shrug my shoulders.

Maybe In Another Life | Kellic (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now