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It's like I'm hypnotized and I can't move. Vic keeps his stare on me and it makes it harder for my brain to process anything other than him. We're so close it'd be too easy. We're only inches apart. And when I unavoidably end up glancing down to his mouth, it's like I've sealed my fate. The second I look back to his eyes he's already leaning into me and I'm surprised I meet him halfway.

When our lips crash into each other, it feels electric. He kisses me roughly and I kiss him back with as much force. It's not at all how he used to usually kiss me back when we were together, it is filled with something else entirely. We're older now, he's more experienced. I am too. And it definitely shows through this kiss.

I hold onto him tighter and bring him impossibly closer, as if he might disappear from my arms any second. And I just kiss him, savoring his taste, breathing him in. I feel like my body is burning up from the inside. This feeling I had buried in the depths of myself for so long is bursting out of me and I can't seem to be able to keep it inside.

Vic lowers his hands on my back and inhales deeply and I continue my assault on his mouth. He bites my bottom lip and it takes everything in me not to let out a moan. I run my fingers through his hair and he opens his mouth wider. I can taste the alcohol in our breaths, but we're not exactly drunk drunk and this is so wrong but at the same time it feels like the life that escaped me so long ago is back in me again.

We keep kissing like we're each other's only source of air left and never once pull back, too afraid of acknowledging what is happening. We move in sync and stumble backwards until the backs of my legs hit the couch. Suddenly we drop into it, Vic falls on top of me and holds my waist with his strong hands.

We've been here before. Countless of times that we made out here, exactly like this, but it feels much more different now. Charged. Thrilling. I can't believe I'm doing this.

I gasp as he moves his lips to my neck, kissing and sucking and breathing me in.
My own hands are everywhere on him, touching muscle that wasn't there before, hair that's so much shorter now. He comes back to my mouth and we don't stop moving against each other.

With a swift movement he starts lifting my shirt off, running his hands over my stomach. I kiss him harder. Our breathing gets more labored and my heart is about to literally burst out of my chest but then—

I feel it vibrate in my back pocket before it starts ringing loudly. I startle and Vic pulls away from me just as I start to push him off. No, no, no. What are we doing?

I almost fall to the floor trying to stand back up, my legs and hands are shaking and when I finally get ahold of myself I take my phone out of my pocket and check the caller ID. I already know who it was before I did.

I practically sprint out of the living room and find the nearest door, which happens to be the entrance. When I go out I realize it's already gotten dark and it's cold. I don't even know what time it is.

I catch my breath as fast as I can, feeling dizzy in the worst kind of way, and quickly slide my finger through the screen, accepting the call.

"Hey, love." Comes Oliver's voice through the device. I feel a lump form in my throat.

"Hi!" I try and cringe at my own fake eagerness. I can't seem to stop shaking.

"Everything alright?" he asks and I suck in a breath. He knows. He always knows what's up with me. God, I'm such a fuck-up. I can hear him shuffling things around. He must be home already and decided to stay in for the night. How I wish I was there.

"Yeah, yeah," I shake my head and try to calm myself. "Why wouldn't they be?"

Oliver chuckles. "I've sent you like a hundred texts and you haven't replied. I was starting to think someone kidnapped you."

I face-palm myself so hard I think he actually heard it.

"What was that?"

I try to laugh it off. "Nothing babe, just Kay messing around. We're fine, just lost track of time, I guess. I haven't checked my phone at all, I'm sorry I worried you."

I hate this. I hate lying to him. I never lie to him about anything and now this is happening and I don't know what to do. But I can't break his heart about something as stupid as this.

"Not worried... much," he says, I can see his smile from miles away. "Just missed you."

My heart skips a bit at his words. See, this is the man I love. He is my one. Not Vic, who I'd forgotten plenty of years ago.

"I miss you too, so much." I say truthfully and a silence follows, because I know he's grinning to the phone.

"Well, I'm about to make some dinner," he continues. "The boys are all asleep but Polly here wants to have a snack." He laughs and his voice fades away a bit as he probably goes to pet our cat. She always wants snacks whenever someone's in the kitchen.

"Give them a hug from me," I smile, imagining our dogs curled up into each other on one of the couches and Polly walking around the kitchen. God, I really wish I was there.

"Will do," Oliver's voice comes back on the phone. "But call me before you go to sleep alright?"

"Of course," I say.

"Okay, have fun with Kay, tell her I say hi," he pauses a bit. "I love you."

I close my eyes and breathe in.

"I love you too."

We hang up.

I have to close my eyes for a second. I lean on the door and hit my head against the wooden frame over and over, trying not to make any sound. I'm such a fucking moron. I massively fucked everything up. Why did I make myself believe I wanted Vic again? After everything? How could I possibly think I still have feelings for him? Why am I even here? I'm deluding myself. And I'm probably a bit drunk after all. I mean, I must be.

I rub my face with my hands and let out a groan. His kiss still lingers in my mouth and the impression of his touch might as well have burned my whole skin. I don't want to tell Oliver about this, but what if he hadn't called? Was I about to have sex with Vic back there? Would it have gone that far? The thought makes my stomach churn with dread. I can't believe I could be so irresponsible. I haven't seen this man in a thousand years and now I'm at his house drinking and dancing and making out and, this is fucked up.

That's when I make my mind up. I have to leave this second. And I would've just gotten in my car and left, I don't owe him any explanations. But the more sensible part of me was screaming at me to go back and at least say goodbye.

So with a bitter sigh I open the door and go back inside, trying to shake off the feeling of him against me. But when I walk into the living room again I stop dead in my tracks.

Vic is no longer sitting on the couch, the music has stopped playing and he's standing near the table, holding his letter in his hand. 

(A/n): okay we're kind of (kind of) nearing the end here!! Thank you for reading 🖤 Also, I'm already sorry for the next chapter oops gbye

Maybe In Another Life | Kellic (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now