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When Vic notices I'm back inside the house he looks up to me and glares.

"Why is this here?" he asks. Any trace of his million smiles gone.

For some reason I don't say anything. I just stand there. Stunned.

"Kellin," he says again. His voice strained, but loud. "Why is this open and here?"

"I-," I try to make words come out, but it's like I lost my voice. "It fell off your notebook."

"And you just took it?" he accuses, his tone really throwing me off.

"Well," I shrug. "It has my name written on it." My aim here really is to be nonchalant about it, like, why does it even matter? It's just childish stuff. But he truly seems angry for some reason and I have to admit it's freaking me out a little. "Don't you think we have other issues to talk about anyway?" I continue, referring to how we were making out less than five minutes ago.

"Other than you coming here to steal my stuff?"

I look at him like he's lost his mind. "Are you fucking kidding me?"

He shakes his head like he's in disbelief. Disbelief. "Why would you take it just like that."

"I told you, it has my name on it, I wanted to know what it said. Why are you making such a big deal out of this?"

"Because you don't get to take it just because you want to!" He yells and I take a step back.


"No! Don't you get it? This is my letter," he goes on. "It's all I have left!"

And that actually pisses me off.

"Are you fucking serious?" I frown at him. My voice feels tight, but I don't back away. "All you have left?"

"Yes, Kellin–"

"Please. Get over yourself, Vic." I scoff, feeling every ounce of bitterness I have towards him overcome me. "I didn't even read whatever you wrote in that stupid letter. Like it even matters. It's probably more bullshit just like everything you have ever written. Oh he's my soulmate, oh he's the love of my life. Give me a break."

He stares at me and shakes his head. "You know damn well everything was true."

I give him an unimpressed smile.

"Oh, you've got some nerve Vic," I chuckle and run my fingers through my head, wondering how I ended up in this position. "You really expect me to believe I ever meant something to you? It was all a fucking lie and I was stupid enough to believe you. I mean, clearly everything meant nothing to you when-"

"Stop! How can you say that, you know I loved you so much–" he tries again, but I cut him off with words I never thought I'd get to say out loud.

"You left me in the fucking hospital!"

And the silence that follows seems to go on forever.

I can feel myself trembling through my whole body as I look at Vic swallow the lump in his throat. I've never said it like this. Never acknowledged it like this. I spent years just trying to forget it ever happened. But it felt so good to finally say it to his face.

He left me in the fucking hospital.

For a moment he doesn't say anything, it's like I've punched him in the face. Somehow it must feel just like that. Words are far stronger when used right.

"How could you have possibly loved me when you just disappeared," I find my voice again. He looks away from me and I can't seem to stop my words from spilling. "I was in a comma for a month and you just took off. Was your ticket out, wasn't it? How do you think I felt when I woke up and found out you were across the country? You never even called once, Vic. What kind of person does that? What if I never woke up, huh? Why didn't you at least say goodbye? You just fucking left and-"

Maybe In Another Life | Kellic (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now