1. - Chapter 1: Where It All Began

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1. - Chapter 1: Where It All Began

     Long ago two spirits ruled over the universe, the Phoenix and the Raven. The Phoenix was a symbol of Hope, Stars, and Light, while the Raven was a symbol of fear, shadows, and darkness. For years the two spirits fought but with their perfectly balanced strength, it seemed like it was never going to end, that was until something unforeseen happened. As the smoke settled something appeared out of the debris, it was the planet Earth along with the sun and moon. For the first time, both spirits had been satisfied with their creation but this truce did not last forever. The Phoenix began to create life, it created animals, plants, and even the first human.

     The Raven was not pleased with the Phoenix's creations and did everything to stop them. It created death, famine, disease, and corruption. This caused humans to die, steal, and fight. Once again war was unleashed. The battle didn't seem like it was going to end anytime soon, that was until two special half-breed twins, Dieateir and Alterion, were born. During one of the days that Phoenix and Raven battled Dieateir and Alterion was born, they and their parents were caught up in the battle and face the inevitable, at least that's what was supposed to have happened. Though it may be true their parents died they were saved by a miracle, the immense energy coming from the Phoenix and Raven had flown within both of them giving them control over life and death, fear and hope, destruction and creation and so much more. Of course, they were somewhat still human, there were limits to what they could do and an imbalance between their two sides.

     It was only a matter of time before the twins had to choose a side. Dieateir followed the beliefs of the Phoenix. He wanted to end this war and help the two spirits find peace. Alterion, on the other hand, followed the beliefs of the Raven. He wanted all humankind to end and for the Phoenix to be destroyed. The two spirits watched the brothers carefully and when the time came they decided to use them as their vessels. This was the beginning of yet another war between the two spirits that went on for many years. Finally, after almost a decade, the Phoenix and Dieateir had defeated the Raven and Alterion. They killed them and soon killed themselves too. Their deaths released a massive amount of energy spreading across both land and sea, affecting everything it touched. With that the endless cycle of life and death began, as death ended all that lived, life came around beginning all that had died. The world has been in peace ever since then....but just like life and death, those same spirits must be and will be born again. This is the age of darkness and light and only Țheir ćhøíces will decide the "fąţe" of our world.

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