4. -Chapter 4: What Happens when Destiny Controls you

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     The group stood there shocked and confused, they had no clue what Prajakt was talking about or who they were. Unable to process what just happened the group decided to move on and play their games. The group played until 1:00 am in the night, surely they must have known this would come back to bite them in the morning. Today was Monday and the date was 1/5/201X, at the start of their school week, the group was so tired but they knew that their butts would have been tired of being beaten if they hadn't gone to school. They all had to go their separate ways since they all were in different halls. Deene was in such a good mood from playing games yesterday that he had forgotten that was a target for bullies. He never understood why but he's faithful mood always seemed to attract those who weren't as positive as he was. He knew that he was in trouble but his body moved quicker than his brain could process. Suddenly, he bumped into the back of the last person that wanted to see his face. This person was the main cause of all his bullying, his name was Rhae, most people were so afraid of him since he was the leader of the natural faction but he didn't scare Deene at all.

     "Well well well, if it isn't mister positivity." Rhae said, "Got any inspirational quotes for me?" Deene had decided to just ignore him. He was continuing to his class until a giant wall of earth blocked his path. "I wasn't done talking to you yet, How about you sit down," Rhae said as a piece of earth hit his face knocking him on to the ground. A crowd started forming around the two boys. The laughter started erupting among the crowd. Deene didn't know how to react since he had never been under such pressure. For the first time in his life, he didn't know what to do. Ezrel sensed something bad about one of her friends, she was trying to find the source of the aura when she bumped into a person. "Out of my way." Ezrel pushed the person and shoved herself into the circle, she saw Deene on the floor as Rhae smiled wickedly "Oh look who it is." Rhae said, "Painty Wainty, are you here to save your boyfriend?" Ezrel growled slightly at Rhae when he called Deene her 'boyfriend'. Ezrel and Deene were nothing more than friends. "Why you little!" Ezrel made a fist and attempted to punch Rhae but Ezrel felt her hand being caught by someone. "Oh Ezrel, aren't you a stubborn one, you can't hurt people just because they insulted your friendship now can you?"

     Once Ezrel vision cleared she realized who it was, it was Dorinda. Dorinda was one of the hottest and smartest girls in the hall. Also, Ezrel's crush. "Rhae, What did I tell you about picking on kids your own size?" Dorinda walked up to Rhae and stared at him. "Go ahead, pick on me." Dorinda was pretty tall for her age. "Uhhh.." Rhae looked into Dorinda's eyes and was struck by fear. Rhae ran away in terror. Once he fled the crowd started to clear up. "You okay?" Dorinda let go of Ezrel's hand and offered it to Deene. "Yeah, I'm fine." Dorinda helped him up and stared at Ezrel. "You could've got into serious trouble if I wasn't here to stop you." Dorinda put her hand on Ezrel's shoulder causing her to blush but covered it by her scarf. "Maybe I can show you how to cool your temper, here's my number." Dorinda took a paper out of her pocket and put it into Ezrel's hand. "Bye Ezrel, Bye Kid!" Dorinda went to her class while Ezrel and Deene stood there.

Elemen: The Fates of Choice ( Origins) - Rise Of Wrath: AWWVG ~Where stories live. Discover now