5. Priorities

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Dario De Luca

"Very well then. Dario, I'm sorry to inform you but we might have a mole." Matteo said.

"How did you find out?" I questioned, my eyebrows touching. Who in his or her right mind would betray me? My rules for disloyalty and cheating are too strict. Who is this person working for and most importantly what does he want?

"Paul heard the man talking on the phone. He's currently in black room number 4." Matteo informed. Black rooms are the special rooms we've got built in my warehouse and mansion in case we need to torture someone for information or to hold them captive. Here, at the warehouse, we also have grey rooms for the people are to be treated a little nicer than our usual captives.

I nodded my head and said, "Wait for me in there. I'll be there in a moment." He nodded his head a little and left the room.

My mind started thinking who'd have the balls to entered my area and try to feed my enemies with information. I will have to increase the security around my house and Arianna. She's my wife and a very innocent one. My enemies and rivals will definitely use her as a loose end to get to me. It's very important that she's well protected. I'll be damned if I let those bastards be present even in a sniffing distance of her. She's too precious to me, already.

I felt Arianna stiffen a little in my arms. I casted a glance at her and saw worry written all over her face. A feeling of sadness hit my heart. Does she not trust me to protect her?

I cupped her face with my hand and she met my eyes. "What are worried about, preziosa? I'll not let anything happen to you. I know being my wife has put your life in danger but just know, my army is way larger than the number of men you met earlier. You're their Donna and they'll protect you with their life. Nothing bad will ever touch you."

She closed her eyes for a second and shook her head sideways. "I know you'll do everything to protect me but it's not me that I'm worried about. It's you." She kept her other hand around my neck and hid her face in my chest.

Her answer rendered me speechless. Never in my life have I met someone who has put my safety first. More than themselves. My mom died when I was 8. We were under attack and the enemy invaded our home. My father was out of town at the time and I was well hidden in the safe room. I only got to see her dead body after the war was over. My dad was killed in a conspiracy after two years of my mother's death and to be honest, he never cared for me truly. The only reason he trained me and 'kept' me in his house was because I was the only heir he had got. Sure, Matteo was always around me but I was never his first priority too. Before Nina, it was his own self and after Nina, it was always her.

I wrapped my wife in my arms and pulled her even closer in my chest. I kissed her forehead and started stroking her silky brown hairs. "Please be safe. For me." She whispered and I nodded.

Someone knocked on the door. "Come in." I ordered and this time Arianna successful got off my lap, to my dismay. Nina entered the room with a knowing smile directed towards me. I rolled my eye and mentally face palmed myself.

She took Arianna home with her and I send some guards with them. Nina knows what do in the emergencies but I wanna be double sure.

I tucked my gun in my waistband, standing up from my chair and walked towards the black room 4.

A man was tied on a chair with his hands behind him. His face was already bruised maybe by my men but now it's my turn to have some fun.

~ Violence Warning ~

"Let's do this the clean way, shall we. Who sent you?" I calmly asked and he turned away his head, not answering. I smirked and said, "Very well. Just know that you asked for it."

I walked to the table set in the right of the room. Different types and sizes of knives were neatly laid out on it. There were other torture devices laid on it too like a saw, hammer with nails, staplers and scissors. I took a medium sized knife and walked up to him.

I made small cuts on his hands and cut off his little finger from both of his hands. His shrill screams resonated in the room, working as music to my ears. Blood started flowing from his cuts and started tainting his shirt as well as mine. I ordered my men to bring a bucket of boiling water and dipped his right hand into it. He immediately started screaming and tears started flowing out of his eyes.

I took his hand out of the bucket and held it up. "Start talking before I pour this boiling hot water on your balls. I bet that would pain." He clenched his jaw.

"My work was to confirm that you have a wife or not." He said in a voice full of fear. I knew it would all come down to Arianna. Her innocent face flashed before my eyes for a second and before thinking, I opened his shirt and poured the water on his chest.

He started screaming and I further interrogated, "Who sent you?" I asked and threw some ice cubes on his cuts. The cube's coldness might've provided some relief on his chest area but rubbing them on his scars is gonna pain, like really pain.

"I don't know his name. All I know is that I would've gotten a lot of money for this. I got a small phone delivered at my doorstep and I received a message from the sender. I just had to type a 'yes' or 'no'." He fessed up and this time I knew he was telling the truth because I know a lie when I hear one.

"We have the phone with us." Matteo said. He was standing in the room's corner witnessing all that happened.

"I'm afraid that just means you're no longer useful to me." I shot the man between his eyes and walked out of the room with our another word.

~ End of violence ~

I need to increase Arianna's protection. I thought and ran my hands through my hair.

For those who skipped the violence part, there's someone who asked the traitor to confirm if Dario has a wife or not. The traitor didn't know anything about the person asking this. He did the job just because he was offered a great amount of money.

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