9. Weakness

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Dario De Luca

It's Monday today and I am currently in my office, at the Mansion with Paul standing in front of me. I just ordered for Francesca to banned from my house. She won't be allowed near 10 meters radius of the mansion.

"Call the café she works at and ask the manager to fire her. Also, blacklist her and make sure she doesn't get a job in the whole of the Italy. Fire the horny bastards who got manipulated by her and let her in. Inform me as soon the works done. I'll be here for today." I ordered and Paul nodded his head. "Consider it done, Don." He soon left my office and my mind wandered back to Arianna.

She hasn't been out of her room since yesterday afternoon. Mia's been attending her and I'm relieved she has let anyone in. Truth be told, her absence is eating me on the inside. I'm dying to just see her face or talk to her. She's been affected a lot by me shouting at her. She's hurt deeply and I'll try my best to earn her forgiveness.

I was busy in my thoughts when Nina busted the door open and pointed her gun at me. That woman didn't even flicker the safety off of the gun. I was a little surprised which I concealed and stood up from my seat with amusement swirling in my eyes. Matteo walked in after her with his hand on his forehead.

"How dare you hurt my sister-in-law?" Nina said and walked towards me. She angrily kept the gun on the table and slapped my chest.

"Ouch." I sarcastically said. That slap was nothing.

"How is she?" She said and slapped my arm next.

"What has gotten into your wife?" I asked Matteo and he shrugged his shoulder, taking a seat on the table as if nothing happened. I sighed and turned towards her.

"Nina, you know me for seven years now, we're family, you at least could've asked about my hand. I'm wounded too." I said raising my bandaged hand and Nina rolled her eyes.

"Oh please. It would take so much more than some pieces of glass to hurt you." She isn't wrong though.

"Dario De Luca, I want you to go and apologise to her." Nina 'ordered' me.

"Woman, you are my sister-in-law but that doesn't mean you can order il capo della mafia italiana." I said and she again rolled her eyes but this time with a scoff.
(The Boss of Italian Mafia)

"Non mi interessa. Vai e scusati." She said and I huffed at her 'command'.
(I don't care. Go and apologise.)

The only woman I've ever listened to except for my wife is Nina. She has this invisible power over Matteo and I and I think it's because she's always there to make us realise our faults and has been our support and strength throughout these years that obeying her words just comes naturally to us.

I walked out of my office and towards Arianna's room. There was this feeling brewing inside of me that something was wrong but I tried to shake it off. I knocked on the door but didn't heard anything from the inside.

"Arianna, please open the door. I wanna talk to you, preziosa." I said and again got nothing in response. I didn't hear any moment and I panicked a little. I was getting really impatient and so I broke the door.

I barged in and saw Arianna curled into a ball in the cold corner of the room. She was wearing a pair of sweatpants and a long sleeved sweater. I quickly walked up to her and it looked like she was sleeping. I tried shaking her body but she didn't wake up. It was then that I realised that she was unconscious.

How the fuck didn't Mia notice this before?

I picked her up and walked towards my room. There's no way in hell I'm gonna let her away from me now. Not even for a second. I laid her on my bed and pulled the comforter over her. I walked out of my room and shouted, "Mia. Come here this instance."

After about a minute, Mia entered my room with a feared expression. Shortly, Nina and Matteo too walked in. They must've heard my angry shouting too.

Nina immediately walked to Arianna and rubbed her cold hands in an attempt to provide her some warmth while Matteo called for a doctor.

"How didn't you know my wife was lying unconscious on the ground? You were the incharge of taking care of her, weren't you?" I asked as calmly as possible. I didn't want to shout at a woman but seeing my wife unconscious wasn't helping either.

"Donna asked me to leave her alone for some time. She must've fallen unconscious during that time. Forgive me, Don." She said through a feared voice.

Just then my personal doctor came in. Doctor Sinclair assists my gang in case of any injuries and has been loyal to me for years.

"Hasn't she been eating properly?" Dr. Sinclair asked and I looked towards Mia.

"Mrs. De Luca threatend me not to tell you about her not having her meals since yesterday. She looked really scary with the angry eyes." Mia said and an amused chuckle left my mouth. I caressed Arianna's hair and smiled at the fact that she can be scary too.

"There's nothing to be afraid of. She's just a little weak from skipping her meals. Feed her as soon as she wakes up and I've prescribed some multivitamins in case she feels weak even after eating." Dr. Sinclair said packing his things.

"Thank you, Dr. Sinclair." I said and shared a formal handshake with him. Soon he left and so did Matteo, Nina and Mia.

I changed and sat beside my wife while working on my laptop. I wanna be near her for when she wakes up. I'm not gonna let her out of my sight ever again. I promised to myself, I won't ever shout at her. Ever.

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