22. Corny

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Arianna De Luca

It was a lazy Saturday morning. I was up pretty early and didn't really felt like doing anything. I got out of bed and went to the bathroom to have a shower. Dario was still sleeping when I stepped out, fully dressed in a pair of ripped jeans and white tank top. It was a rare sight seeing him sleep so soundlessly. He's usually very alert even when he sleeps. Mafia Lord, after all.

I jogged downstairs and made a cup of coffee for myself. The cooks were still preparing the breakfast so I left them to that and walked towards our garden.

It was lovely out here. The birds were chipping, the sun was playing hide-and-seek with the clouds, there was fresh dew on the green grass and the whole garden smelled amazing due to the flowers in bloom. I stood by the fountain as I enjoyed the small sprinkles of water on my face. I breathed in the air and a smile broke on my lips. It was serene out here.

I was busy admiring the atmosphere when two strong arms encircled around my waist and I was pulled back into the hard chest of my husband. I kept my left hand on his and welcomed the smell of his cologne. He kissed the side of my head and I looked at him, offering him a smile. Butterflies settled in the pit of my stomach when he flashed his real smile which was a rare sight.

"You're up early?" He said and I nodded my head. "Umm-hmm." I bought the cup of coffee to my mouth and took a sip, relishing the taste.

"May I have a sip too?" He asked and I put the cup near his face. He kissed the side of my hand and gestured me to make him drink it. I smiled shaking my head sideways and bought the cup to his lips. He took a small sip out of it.

"That's the best coffee ever," I furrowed my eyebrows and turned to look at him. It was a normal coffee with milk and a bit of cream. It's way different than his regular black coffee, yes, but what was so good about it.

"Because you've made it." He said and bit my lip to stop the smile. "Is the big bad Mafia boss being corny?" I chuckled at the face he made.

"It wasn't corny. It was romantic." He said and I once again turned towards the fountain, enjoying the sound of the water and this time basking in the comfort of Dario's arms.

"So, what were you thinking about before I came?" He casually questioned. He nuzzled his head in the crook of my neck. He placed small kisses there, sending shivers down my spine. He raked his nose up and down the length of my neck making my body feel foreign things. His hands around my waist, drew small invisible patterns there, sending my nerves into overdrive.

He turned me around and arched a brow up and I recalled that he asked me a question. A blush spread through my cheeks as I realised how much of a fool I looked in front of him. He smirked knowing his effect on me and once again buried his face in my shoulder, continuing his sweet torture there.

"Sleeping." I said as I tried making a joke. Keyword: 'tried'. As soon as the word left my mouth, I realised the second meaning behind it and I mentally smacked my head. Way to make a fool out of yourself all over again.

Dario chuckled darkly at my response and my cheeks grew even red. I felt them heating up and I was about to sweat from the embarrassment.

He bit my sweet spot hard. His teeth seeped into my skin and I'm sure by the way he was sucking and licking the area he just bit, it was sure to leave a hickey or two there. I bought my free hand up and tangled my fingers in his hairs, loving the way his lips felt against my skin. I moaned at how he kissed the place just below my earlobe.

"Don't moan like that, Aria. You have no idea how hard I'm controlling myself." He said and he was about to kiss my lips when I kept a finger on them. His soft pink lips felt even more soft against my finger.

"Not here." I said and he arched his eyebrow. He then slowly nodded his head and took the cup of coffee out of my hand and kept it on nearby table. He looked at me and before I know, he hoisted me up in his arms, bridal style. His one hand under my thigh and one on my waist. I wrapped my arms around his neck and giggled like a school girl.

As soon as we were in our room, he threw me on the bed and hovered over me, showering me with kisses. I started undoing the buttons of his shirt when he held my hands.

"You sure you want to do this?" He asked and something tugged inside my heart. He cares so much about my permission. I unknowingly smiled.

"I want you Dario. I think we've waited enough for this. Now, shut up and kiss me." I reassured him and ordered him at the end of my sentence.

"Your wish is my command, Ma'am." He said and cupped my face giving me a mind blowing kiss.

A/N : Yes, they did made love in this chapter. I'm not going to write it in detail because that's how I've planned this book. I want the book to be sweat and short. A book everyone can enjoy. You guys have very 'sexy' minds yourselves so go on and image all the kinky stuffs you can.

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