28. Why?

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Arianna De Luca

"Control yourself, Shane. We want dear Mrs. De Luca alive," I heard the menacing voice of none other than Mr. Michali Smirnov.

"Well, at least until Mr. De Luca arrives." He's said and smirked at me.

My blood started boiling at the mere sight of him. The first time I saw him, at the casino, I'd be a fool if I didn't sense there was something wrong between him and Dario. They were looking at each other with such hostility. If it weren't for other people being present in the room along with them, they would've at least started cussing each other. The air around them was so thick and the tension could've been cut with a knife.

After that night, the next day I asked Dario about the reason behind their sour feelings. Initially, he said it was nothing to worry about and the reason was petty but I was beyond curious.

Later on I discovered that because of a traitor, Michali broke off their friendship and cut all the business ties with Dario. Legal and illegal businesses of Dario and Michali went through a lot of loss due to this and it took around a year and a half for them to regain stability. Their relationship ever since has been very bad. They always clash by their opinions and decision. They don't stand each other and try very hard to keep their calm when they see each other in conferences.

Michali is into trafficking of girls and slave. He sells girls at auctions to be someone's personal whore or stripper. He not only sells women and children but is also involved in illegal shipments of artefacts. His men rob things that are of high value in the illegal market and Michali sells it on three times the price. He also uses small children as a means of drug selling and sometimes if they fail to achieve their target, he sells the poor kids' organs like kidney or liver to earn more money. He doesn't feed his slaves properly and beats them mercilessly. He even owns a whore house where women are to serve as sluts and strippers every night to unknown men and they don't even get good means of living. He has faced some hardships in his early life but that does not give him the liberty or license to treat people like objects.

One time when he sexually abused a girl who was barely 12, the committee of the mafia that he was in, decided to take action against him and strip him off of his position in the organisation for two months. Michali then confided into the then-head of the Russian mafia committee and one-by-one killed every person who objected him. He took over the throne of Russian Mafia and also confiscaded the properties of those who he'd kill to add to his power.

He'd pick fights with Dario from time-to-time. Attacking his warehouse, trying to turn his men against him, trying to undercut his decisions, trying to get the same deal as him and what not. Dario tried keeping his calm for as long as he could but when last year, about three months before we got married, Michali attacked the warehouse and stole around 130 cartons of drugs and few thousand armaments. The drugs' order and armaments supply naturally got delayed and this thing made Dario suffer a great loss. Like a lot.

It was then that Dario decided, enough is enough. He started preparing for the war against Michali. Marrying me and merging the north and south Italian mafia, gave him enough power to proceed with the plan.

By the time Dario told me everything, I was utterly disgusted by this man. How can a person do such atrocities on other people? How can he have the heart to sexually abuse a girl merely 12? Just 12. That's pure monstrosity.

"Hello, Arianna." Michali's voice bought me out of my thoughts and I looked at him with disgust.

"What do you want?" I asked and he laughed the typical villain laughter.

"Are you slow, my dear? Didn't you hear what Shane just asked you?" He said and took Shane's previous seat.

"I just want some information about Dario's shipments and deals from you. As Shane said, I will let you live and also help you to get away from your husband." He said and I chuckled humourlessly.

"You wish. I'd never betray him." I said.

"Why? What makes you so much loyal towards him? Why don't you wanna get away from him? You can choose a new life for yourself. A mafia-free life. Just some answers and freedom will kiss your feet. What makes you reject all of that I offer? Why so loyal, Arianna? Why?" He questioned. I can clearly see the irritation on his face, and how agitated he was getting by the second.

"Love." I answered and smirked at him.

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