35. Epilogue

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7 years later...

Arianna De Luca

"Damon Alessandro De Luca, apologise right now." I said to my 5 year-old. He was trying to trick the maids to give him some chocolates and when they denied, because I forbade them to, he broke the jar of flour.

"Sorry." He said and turned to me once again.

"Now help them clean it up." I said and his eyes widened in shock.

"Mommy..." He pouted and tried giving me the puppy eyes but I narrowed my eyes instead. I'm not getting trapped into this again.

Last month, he spilt paint all over my poor Rain. The white bulldog was drenched in yellow, green and purple colours. Dario apparently found it hilarious and took some pictures of him. My poor Rain's fur was coloured for a whole week.

Damon is a carbon-copy of his Dad. Same dark brown hair, same chocolate brown eyes and the same temperament. He gets angry so fast. He's obsessed with his hair, just like his dad. Once, Laura ruffled his hairs because she thought he looked cute and Alessandro here didn't talk to her for two days. That's a lot seeing how close he is to Laura.

Damon is best friends with Trouble.

"Let the child go, preziosa." I heard my dear husband say from the kitchen door. He walked upto Damon and bent to his height.

"Do you promise you won't throw a tantrum now?" Dario asked in his 'parent' voice.

"Yes, Dad." He said and smiled at his dad.

"Good boy." Dario said and picked him up after giving him a high-five. "I love you more, dad." Damon said and hugged Dario's neck.

Dario laughed and I narrowed my eyes at both of them. Dario chuckled and kissed my cheek before walking to the garden with Damon still in his arms.

I walked upstairs to wake my daughter up. I walked upto her room and knocked on her door lightly. The maid who was looking after my sleeping daughter, opened the door and I walked in.

I got near her crib and shook her body lightly. She woke up and sat on her place, cutely rubbing her eyes. She was still sleepy and I picked her up from her crib and cradled her. I sang a mild song for her and she was fully awake by the time I was done singing. I changed her diaper and clothes. I put her down on the floor and helped her walk down to the garden where Nina and Matteo are waiting for us along with Dario and Damon.

Carmella Mia De Luca, is my 2 years-old daughter. She is a daddy's girl too but isn't completely partial like my first born. She has her father's brown hair and my blue-green eyes. She is a very cool, calm and collected child who is an angel to say the least.

She is the center of gravity of our family since she's the youngest member.

Yes, I've given her her middle name after Mia. In order to respect her sacrifice for me. I visit her grave every week and talk to her tombstone a lot. I inform her about everything that happened in that particular week. I feel good when I do that.

Nina and Matteo have a son, Antonio Ricci, who is 4 currently and is best friends with Damon. Nina and Matteo are planning on having another child but aren't sure yet.

Laura is married too. She met an Italian-American businessman, Nathan Donovan, around 5 years ago and started dating him. They've been in love ever since and they eventually got married 2 years back. She's pregnant currently and is due next week.

Alicia married her fiancé, Oliver Miller, 3 years ago and they have two kids together. Lucia Miller, 4, and Leah Miller, 1. They sometimes visit us during the holidays but we mostly FaceTime each other since they live in America.

My dad passed away 4 years back due to natural causes. I do miss him sometimes but not so much.

I went outside with Carmella and sat beside Dario. I picked her up and sat her on my lap. I picked a raspberry from the fruit bowl Nina was preparing and handed it to Carmella. She loves all the berries. Raspberries, blueberries, strawberries and blackberries. She started nibbling on it while looking around the table with her curios little eyes.

Me, Dario, Matteo, Nina, Laura, Nathan, Damon, Antonio and little Carmella were present here. Today's a lazy Sunday and so we decided to get-together and have dinner here, at our home.

"I think they shouldn't have allowed the man to..." Matteo started discussing something about a man in the politics while us ladies started talking about some random things.

"I think we should go to mall, next Sunday. I've heard they have some new collections in the shops they recently opened." Nina suggested and I agreed.

"Hey, I'll come too. I need some post-pregnancy clothes for myself." Laura said and suddenly, screamed.

"What happened, baby?" Nathan asked her. "My water just broke." Laura said and all of us stood up from our place.

They immediately rushed to the hospital and in the next 3 hours, I got a call from Nathan. They're now parents to a beautiful baby daughter.

Life's been great so far. My dad was harsh towards me but one thing that I'll forever be grateful that he did for me was forcing me in An Unwanted Alliance.

~ The End ~

Dario De Luca
Arianna De Luca
Damon De Luca
Carmella De Luca
Rain De Luca

Thank You

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