The handsome detective

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Monday came quickly and surprisingly neither Cassie nor her friends had been bothered by the police since the night of the tragic incident. Cassie pulled up at her school's parking lot with Phoebe who was staying at her house till her dad got back. The sight of police cars parked outside the school was a surprise to them and it slightly frightened both girls. Cassie reached for her bag in her back seat and flung it over her shoulders. Phoebe did the same. They looked to the direction of the police cars.

There was a man who looked to be in his mid-thirties standing in front of the school talking to the school's principal. He was a beautiful man, looked like he spent any time he could in the gym. He was hairy in a sexy way, on his arms, his face, his upper lip which Cassie stared at. The principal laughed in the most exaggerated manner. She batted her eyelashes like an ignorant girl in love with a bad boy.

The officer, on the other hand, had a very serious and professional look on his face, he furrowed his eyebrows in an almost indecipherable manner, at the principal's elaborate outburst. Cassie noticed a badge pinned to his blue shirt. Freetown was a small town with one high school, one university, one major hospital and basically one of every other major institution. Because of that, Cassie knew of every single doctor, nurse, lawyer and policeman in Freetown. Yet, she had never set eyes on that man before, she had never seen his picture anywhere neither had she heard of him.

"Hey Phoebes, do you have any idea who that guy is?" she asked as they neared the school's entrance.

"No, I've never seen him before, he must be new here," she replied, nonchalantly.

"Yeah probably," Cassie concluded, tearing her gaze from the principal and the officer.

They walked into the school and spotted Danny and Matt engrossed in a discussion by Danny's locker.

"Hey boys," Cassie greeted once they had approached them.

"Sup," Danny waved at them.

"What are you guys talking about?" Phoebe asked.

"Boobs," Matt replied.

"I shouldn't have asked," she pursed her lips.

Cassie was glad to see everyone back to their normal selves, or at least trying to return to their normal selves. They promised themselves to not speak about that night for a while, not until it wasn't such a traumatizing memory.

"Matt, how did things turn out for you? your mum seemed pretty mad when she picked you up from the station," Cassie asked in a sympathetic tone.

"Oh that, she just yelled as usual, and I ignored her as usual," he said, deadpan. Matt never really got along with his mother, he always blamed her for his dad leaving when he was younger and hated her the more for not letting him live with his father.

"You know she loves you right?" Cassie asked placing both hands on his shoulders.

"Maybe if I hear it often I'll start believing it," he scoffed.

She quickly changed the subject in order to avoid any awkward tension.

"Hey, do any of you guys have any idea why there are cops outside the school?" she asked.

"Yeah, it's like the whole station is here," Phoebe exaggerated.

"They're setting up cameras outside the school and basically just tightening up security around town," Danny said.

"Oh, that's great," Cassie replied

The bell rang indicating it was time for them to head to their respective classes. The hallway gradually started clearing up as students began to disperse. Cassie had been too distracted with talking to her friends that she forgot to get her books out of her locker. She scurried over to her locker and in the process, she bumped into someone.

THE THIRTEENTH DAY - BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now