30 | austria

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" What we see depends mainly on what we look for

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" What we see depends mainly on what we look for."

- John Lubbock


Easy Company loaded up into their trucks that early afternoon, to head off to Austria. Zell Am See, Austria. They were leaving Germany. And at the moment, for good. People weren't exactly excited, Berchtesgaden was absolutely beautiful and the sights were breathtaking, no one wanted to leave.

Hazel slowly climbed up into the truck bed, and headed down towards the truck head, where she could see Joe and Malarkey.

" Someone's not too happy to be leaving Germany." Joe said as she sat down beside him.

" It's beautiful here, who wouldn't?" she said as she adjusted her bag and then leaned back against the wood.

" Yeah, you're right, it's nice here." Joe said and leaned back beside her. Hazel pouted softly.

" Hey," Joe said, " at least you're stuck with me." Hazel met his eyes.

" Yay," she said before looking forward again. Joe smirked. Then she smirked.

" I'm just kidding," she whispered with a smile and Joe smirked.

" Yeah, I know," he said and Hazel giggled.

" This better be the last time I get on one of these trucks to go to some other place," Chuck said sitting across from them.

" If they keep it up in the Pacific, may not Chuckles," Joe said and Chuck glared.

" Lieb I swear to God," Chuck grumbled and Joe just laughed.

" I better not hear Chuckles anymore, especially not in Austria." Chuck threatened and both Hazel and Joe laughed this time.

" Don't take your changes on that," Hazel said, " Chuckles." And Joe burst out laughing as Chuck groaned.

" Starting now," Chuck said as Joe and Hazel laughed harder. They began driving towards Austria and it passed rather quickly, as their destination was almost just right over the border. Many of the men had bad hangover from being drunk all night and drinking away while others were perfectly fine, having been more drunk than they had. But they had every right to. The war where they had lost so many and lost a part of themselves was finally over. They went through a few mountain passes before Hazel began to smell water, fresh clean water.

Hazel slowly turned her head, innocently poking it up and over the edge of the truck, eyes slowly widening. She slowly turned onto her knees on the bench. Her eyes widened further.

" Joe." she whispered, as Joe turned and knelled beside her on the bench, looking out.

Hazel's eyes grew soft with admiration and pure joy, and she couldn't help but wrap her arms sideways around Joe as the two looked out with bright eyes. Joe's arm wrapped around her waist and pulled her closer as the two were on their knees watching as a beautiful lake appeared in front of them all.

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