the postwar children

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Their entire lives, they heard of what their parents did, what friendships they had through the horror of the Second World War and the love and bonds they found in one another. Now, in an even darker, more utterly terrifying world, they must go unto it, and find themselves, and make their marks in this new one. 

The Liebgott's  ->  Hazel and Joe Liebgott's Children 

The Liebgott's  ->  Hazel and Joe Liebgott's Children 

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Joseph 'Joe' Liebgott, Jr.

Joe Jr heads off to fight in the Vietnam war with a pack of smokes in his pocket and a smirk on his face - like his father, if he fights, he'll fight - he could bring a war all by himself. 

FOCUS >> the vietnam war

Juliette Liebgott

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Juliette Liebgott

Juliette has a voice and she has a heart - and she intends to use both. Even with her brother off to war, she still doesn't believe violence is the best medicine for a cruel world; just a little bit of art, joy, and the want for a greater future could be the right change. 

FOCUS >> more art, not violence

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