🌟Gemini Results🌟

168 10 13

Thank you AshlynForge for judging these books and spending your valuable time to give them reviews.


🌟The first place goes to🌟:

Book: Unauthorized to Love

Author: Passmetheadobo
Total 47/80
This story came with a mature warning that there may be a strong sexual theme throughout. That is actually not the case--the story is about isolation. Candy is a Cold Human (which, is still yet to be defined after 6 chapters). 

This story and plot is actually very cute. The interactions between Candy and Callus is by far the best part of the story.  

While the story stays grounded thanks to Candy, the frequent threats of death becomes so common that it no longer has an impact. I can understand being fined if you don't have a LyfeBot, but being put to death? Really? From zero to 1,000 in mere seconds.

The development of this world constantly keeps you guessing. The way Candy handles her situation is very reasonable. All around her, everyone is very hyper-emotional, thankfully, she stays down to earth and that brings a good balance to the story. Good pacing, good development, great character voices.


🌟The second place goes to🌟:

Book: Paragon
Author: VirulentCole

otal 39/80
This book reads very young, but that doesn't mean it's got nothing to say. In fact, it is well thought out. A lot of care goes into the story details, sometimes too much.

Information that the reader could do with, comes late, while other info comes too quickly. For example, we don't know the name of the MC to be Cole until chapter 3 or 4 and he says the name to himself.

The MC is competent and his narrative voice is unique. The book is largely exposition and when dialogue does come, it's very stiff and sometimes unnatural.

Even with that, the pacing is good and the small twists are unexpected and well done. Judging from the blurb, it's easy to see that the premise is very rich and interesting.


🌟The third place goes to🌟:

Book: The Runner
Author: baysidesummer

Total score: 31/80

The prose of this story is pretty good and its plot is also easy to follow. It's a smooth transition from the start and the buildup is done well also.

Right away it reminded me of the Hunger Games, then the Maze Runner, just from the premise alone. 

There are many inconsistencies such as the lack of resources, despite the tech, for one. There being enough guards to guide 1,000 uncompliant candidates from their door to participate. The trainers, Bit and Knox came out in all white, then suddenly they are in all blue. Wells, who was with his grandparents, in chapter 5 was mentioned as having been left with strangers.

There's also an overstated sense of extreme emotion all the time and after a long instance of this, the impact lessons.

However, the boy in the story that we get introduce to, Atlas, was intriguing. His level-headedness really brought a good balance to the story. The banter between him and Persephone was a nice touch. He was easy to fall in love with.


🌟The 4th place goes to:🌟

Book: Distorted Memories
Author: its_corona_tim3
Total 27/80

This is an interesting premise. I liked the atmosphere. I've seen a similar plot played out in a drama and it was equally as entertaining. Though the MC was rather sweet, I did feel like there was a lot of repetition where information was said again and again. I know this was the author's way of helping the reader understand the situation, but I don't think it was necessary each and every time. The build up was equally as good. The pace was a bit fast but nothing rushed. The MC's best friend Monica was a godsend because she didn't mind that the MC often lost her memories. Overall, I can see the potential in this book, but the repetition and the 'telling' rather than 'showing' made the pacing a bit uneven. By chapter 5, we still hadn't encountered any real major conflict. At least the way the MC stood up for herself was rather adorable. 


Scores and reviews of other books

Book: When I leave
Author: ninjacookiecutters

Total  score:26/80

The premise is interesting and mirrors our own situation now with the CORONA virus so it's a great idea. We start off very well with Kyle, a high schooler who is having an average day that's about to end his entire world. Then it starts, his world starts to crumble. We follow him through the emotional roller coaster of trying to navigate his feelings and fears throughout this crisis. While the premise is appealing and well done, the execution is lacking in some cases. The characters' emotions are erratic and hyperbolic. One second they are crying, then the other they are talking about dungeons and dragons. Those extreme reactions steal the believability of the story. Overall though, the premise is brave and ambitious and the author has the guts to tackle it. It's a fresh idea.


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You all write beautiful in your own way, let the results not demotivate you from writing as opinions differ from person to person.


Please Keep writing

Lots of love🌟❤
-The constellation awards founders

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