🌟Sagittarius Results🌟

143 10 10

Thank you Drprishagarg cwang1 and Sonitaolise  for judging these book and giving your valuable time to give them reviews.


🌟First place goes to🌟:

Name of book: The princess and the princess
Name of Author: Bunnybeebooo
Total score: 75
Review: Awesome start, I got hook the moment I started reading it, great work Dear.


Second place goes to:
Name of the book:  a Trip gone wrong
Name of Author: Missfairygirl_12
Total score: 73
Review: firstly, I love your book cover, it drew my attention the moment I glanced at it.


Third place goes to: (It's a tie we have two winners)

Name of the book: Imperfect Puzzle
Name of the author: JayReshkee
Total score: 72/80
Review: The title is definitely fitting for the book, and also makes me want to read the story. I believe that you could make the blurb a bit longer, and perhaps reveal just a bit more about the story and its characters. I love how you used a graphic to introduce the characters, chapters, and dedication. It was very unique and creative. I also liked the quotes at the beginning of the chapters. They really added to the story and gave the reader a sneak peek into the chapter. I feel like, however, in Chapters 3 and 4, the plot got a little bit confusing. I recommend reading over your entire book, just to make sure it makes sense. Overall, I really enjoyed reading your story!

Name of book: Afraid of heights
Name of Author: rosegoldpretzels
Total: 72/80
Review: Amazing one-shot short story.Perfect plot, good writing style, Simple description, depicting next to real emotions. It’s blurb hooked me from start. A complete package of every emotions - fear of heights, pranks of friends, pain to loose dear one’s, humour, etc, described wonderfully.
Over all a good entertainer.
Must read book.


The 4th place goes to:

Name of the book: Let’s Talk About Love Over a Shot of Tequila
Name of the author: SCapric0rn
Total score: 66/80
Review: I like how your cover emphasizes the word “love” and “tequila,” since those words are really important in these stories. I think that your title is a bit long. Perhaps you can make it something like “Love Over a Shot of Tequila” or something along those lines. In general, try to make the title sound vague, or somewhat mysterious, so as to draw readers in. If you give away the plot in the title, most people wouldn’t read it. I feel like the first chapter was a bit confusing, as I didn’t really know the background of the story. To fix this, you could perhaps add a prologue explaining what happened before. My favorite part of the story was definitely the end. I really liked how you put emphasis on the word “Janett,” and how you didn’t write what happened after Janett revealed her identity. It really shocked me at the end, and it was definitely one of the best endings I’ve read.

Score and reviews of other books

Name of book: The Brutal world, I live in
Name of Author: Mightysoul9
Total score:  65/80
Review- Pain, fear, tear are the feelings your story gave me, You have a amazing quality of describing and writing skills.
Book cover, Title and Blurb hooked me to read till end. Few chapters needed re-editing. Minor spelling mistakes are there.
The quotes used to concluded the chapter added extra tenderness to your chapter.
Keep writing.


Name of book: Failure
Name of Author: nishijha15
Total score: 50/80
Review: Beautiful thoughts penned in form of poetry instead of story. Random episodes of the life of a girl are written from an observer’s eye. A girl that thinks herself as failure but instead is a winner in herself.
You have a good hold on vocabulary. You have a good writing capability too but you need to focus on your writing style. Length of few chapters was not even eight lines. Everyone has a unique pattern to express but as book is nominated under short story category, it would be more fun to read at least 1000 on average words.
Keep writing.


Name of book: Treasure
Name of Author: divine Earth
Total score: 64
Review: I learnt a lot while reading your book, it has a great moral lesson attached to it, love it.


Name of book: Two bodies , one person
Name of Author: darkhorse_ army
Total score: 53
Review: it's a good book, but a few flaws which can be easily corrected, hence minus that you did a good job.


Name of the book: dark haven
Name of Author: Nicental
Total score:62
Review: lovely book cover, each details of the book nicely done, keep up the good work.


Name of the book: secret of the dented pen
Name of Author: kookkannan
Total: 56
Review: it's a good book with it's unique writing style, awesome job.


Name of the book: Keith’s Hybrid
Name of the author: @SoakingHeart
Total score: 64/80
Review: I really like your blurb, since it gives away enough information to draw readers in, but it’s not a summary of the book. For your cover, the bottom border doesn’t go all the way to the bottom of the cover, so you may want to fix that. In some places, I also noticed that you didn’t use an apostrophe in the word “don’t.” I recommend looking over every chapter once you are finished with it, so as to avoid any grammatical, spelling, and punctuational errors. There were a few spelling errors that may be very distracting to the reader. Also, I believe that you can make the character development more evident. This is hard to do in a short story, but perhaps you can show the development of Adrian and Keith further. I really like how you put little banners and pictures at the beginning and end of the chapters. I think they really add to the chapter, as well as the mood of the story.


Thank you so much for participating in the constellations awards.


Pm us to recieve your stickers and other prizes.


You all write beautiful in your own way, let the results not demotivate you from writing as opinions differ from person to person.


Please Keep writing

Lots of love🌟❤
-The constellation awards founders

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