Chapter 7

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Here is the chapter we have all been waiting for, sorry for taking so long. There is some important information at the bottom so please read.

I hope you enjoy :D


Harry P.O.V.


I woke up sweating, again, but this time I was alone. It had been another nightmare about Nick. I curled up in the corner of my bed, and started silently crying. I always hated the nightmares, they were just a reminder of what happened, and all I wanted was to forget. 

I sat up the rest of the night silently crying and trying to convince myself that I was going to be okay and that Nick was gone, but no matter how hard I tried it just didn't work. I kept thinking about that guy Nick had sent, and I was sure that I was gonna see him again, and I kept thinking that maybe Nick would come back after me. He had sent someone else, so that must mean he knows where I am, which means he at any point could come for me.

I sat there crying and thinking for hours until the sound of my alarm interrupted me. I hadn't even noticed that the sun had started to rise, but one thing I knew for sure was that I was hella tired and I had a terrible headache from all the crying, I didn't even know if I could go to school, but as always I just knocked the feeling off and got up to get ready. 

As I looked in the mirror I could see that I was really pale, more than usual. I was sure that someone would notice, but I didn't really care. I Finished up and walked downstairs for breakfast.

"Morning Harry, are you okay, you look a little pale" Anne asked worried.

"Morning, I'm fine, just didn't get much sleep" I answered yawning.

"Okay, tell me if you get bad okay?" Anne said with a bit of concern in her voice. I nodded and sat down at one of the bar stools.

"Gemma already went out, and I'll be out in about 5 minutes" Anne said as she was rushing around for her bag and other things she needed for work, and after that she put on her shoes and jacket and then she was out, and there I sat all alone again.

I ate a banana, got my shoes on and then I was out. The walk to school was very quiet and peaceful it was just what I needed after the night I had had. When I got to school I immediately headed for my locker, and asI  neared it I could see four people standing by it, my Alphas. When I had gotten close enough all of them hugged me, I flinched a little but I don't think any of them noticed 'cause they didn't say anything. 

"How did my princess sleep" Louis asked happy while looking at me.

"I didn't" I just said and started walking to class, since I didn't want to be bombed with questions. It took awhile for the boys to take in what i had said, but when they got it trough to their brain they hurried after me. I could hear several screams calling me from behind, but I just kept walking. I just reached the class as the bell rang and I could hear my mates being really close to catching me. 

Just as I walked into the classroom the teacher closed the door.

"Okay now let's star-" the teacher said but was cut off by the door getting kicked in.

"Harry Styles get out here right now" my mates shouted. (A/N they don't know he has a middle name yet)

Everyone turned to look at me and I just looked coldly at them and then answered calmly with a  'no'. They all looked shocked at me. 

"We mean it, if you don't get out here right now and tell us what happened we will drag you out our self!" Liam said.

I sighed and then answered "Fine, excuse me for a moment mrs." and then I walked out slowly and closed the door behind me. I was way too tired to fight them right now.

"Why didn't you sleep" Zayn said cutting to the case immediately.

I thought about some excuses but in the end I just decided to tell them "I had a nightmare".

"And that kept you up all night?" Louis asked.

"Yeah they usually do" I just answered as if it was the most normal thing ever.

"Are they really that bad?" Liam asked with concern.

"I would rather not talk about my nightmares" I said and right after i yawned.

"You seem really tired" Niall said. I just mentally slapped him.

"I just told you I didn't sleep do you think I will be all energised and excited to start my day" I answer a little annoyed.

"Hey watch you attitude princess" Louis said a little stern.

"Sorry I get a little annoying and irritating when I don't sleep, I can be a real bitch sometimes, just ask my mom and sis" I say, and they all look a little shocked at me. There were complete silence before Liam broke it.

"Why don't we go home to us and then we can all have a little nap, so we don't have to listen to that attitude of yours" He asked.

"But what about class" I asked even though I really didn't care about it.

"Screw class" Niall said as he took a hold of my hand and we all started walking to their car. The drive was very quiet, but quick, and before I knew it I was lying in af bed with my mates cuddled up against me. This was just what I needed, and that was the last thought that ran through my head before it all went black and I fell into a deep sleep.


Okay so that was chapter seven hope you liked it. I know this story hasn't been updated in a long time, and I'm sorry, but I'm going to take a break from this story and start to think about were I want to go with it from here, since I kinda ran out of ideas for this story.

But another thing is I'm still working on that other story I had told you about and I got about 5 chapters ready so if you want me to then I can upload the chapters one after one with a week in between so I still have time to edit and write the last chapters. But I could also finish the story first so you don't have to wait for updates, but then it can take months before you will hear from me again. Please comment what you think and what you want me to do with the second story, by the way it is a Larry story.

Again I'm sorry for taking so long, but i hope you enjoy the story anyways and that you have a good day/night :D


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