Chapter 9

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Heyy I'm back.... or kinda. I took a really long break from this story to focus on other things, since I'm still in school and it's quite busy. I've also kinda focused more on the other story I have, but I thought I would give you an update, and since it's almost Christmas, here is a Christmas update.

Enjoy :D


Christmas is a beautiful time of year, filled with the love for one another. Well in Harry's case it hasn't always been like that, actually it may have never been like that, maybe when he was at the age of 1 and 2, but then his father turned into the horrifying monster he is. For Harry Christmas is just another normal day, that before, when they still lived with his father, was filled with abuse, though some Christmases it would lighten up just a bit.

Harry hoped that now his father and Nick was gone, maybe Christmas could be a fun and cozy day. The only problem was Harry had forgotten what Christmas really was. So while everyone went around excited for Christmas, Harry was just acting as if it was just another usual day.

His mom and Gemma of course knew that he would act like this for Christmas, since he didn't really know what it was. Gemma had a better understanding because she would usually go to her friends for Christmas, and his mother had lived long before the abuse started, and had, had many happy Christmases with her family. 


Harry was walking down the hall of the school alone, and suddenly he heard someone calling his name and soon after he was attacked in a hug by Niall, one of his Alphas. Harry was a bit shocked but got over it quickly since he saw that it was just Niall. 

"What got you so excited?" Harry asked as Niall let go of him.

"Well it's Christmas soon you silly, why wouldn't I be excited" Niall said with a big smile and a laughing voice. 

"Uhmm.... yay" Harry said, and you could just hear that he wasn't excited at all.

"What do you mean 'yay', why aren't you excited, it is Christmas" Niall said getting a little sassy.

"Well I haven't actually had a real Christmas since I was 2 I think, I don't really remember, and I don't really remember how to celebrate Christmas either" Harry said a little quite.

"WHAT, you haven't had Christmas since you were 2, why, how, what?" Niall said getting worked up. 

"Calm down a little Niall, it's not like the world is going under here" Harry said trying to calm down Niall a little.

"The world actually is going under, you don't know what Christmas is. It has been my favourite day ever since my first Christmas, how can someone not know what Christmas is" Niall rambled on, walking back and forth a little in front of Harry.

Harry was just about to answer, but before he even got the chance to say one word Niall was dragging him through the hallway.

"I'm gonna show you exactly what Christmas is, and when I am done with you, you're gonna be just as excited as I have ever been" Niall said while dragging Harry with him out the school. 

Niall pulled Harry to the parking lot and when they reached the boys car Niall stopped, got his keys out, opened the car and almost threw Harry into the car and then he himself got in and started driving.

Harry was actually getting a little scared of Niall when he was like that, it was a little like when someone stole his food, he went all in.

As they reached the boys house, Harry thought about how long it actually had been since he had last been at his Alphas' House, and he was quite excited because he really liked being there, it was so calm and there wasn't much noise, unless the boys were fighting.  

As Niall stopped the car, he hurried out the door and opened the door for Harry and then continued to drag him the rest of the way up to the house. 

"Okay Harry when we get inside I am going to show and tell everything I know about Christmas" Niall said as he had let go of Harry's hand and unlocked the door. 

As Harry stepped inside he could see so much had changed since last time he was there. There were decorations everywhere. In the living room there was a big tree decorated with many different colored balls, and on top it had a beautiful star. 

"Why is there a tree inside?" Harry asked "And why does it have all of those colorful balls or orbs of some sort, hanging all over?" He continued. 

"Oh no, it is worse than I thought. I might have to get some reinforcement. Wait a minute I have a call to make" Niall said and then he was gone, probably in the kitchen to speak to whoever he needed. 

As Niall was calling 'reinforcement' Harry sat and adored all the beautiful decorations and he also kept thinking about that tree, what the hell was it doing there. 

It only took minutes before three other were running in the door. And as Harry looked up he saw his Alphas out of breath. He gave them a smile.

"Hey boys, have you been running, you look exhausted" Harry said sweetly.

"We came as fast as we could, Niall told you don't know what Christmas is, and you don't even know what a Christmas tree is" Louis said.

"Is Christmas really that important, and was that what that tree is?" Harry asked confused about the fuss over Christmas.

"Yes in fact Christmas really is that important, it is a day you get to spend with your family, being all cozy and stuff. You get presents just like if was your birthday, but instead of only receiving gifts, you also give gifts to the rest of your family. You sing songs and eat delicious food, and it is just a really happy day." Niall explained, his voice just filled with excitement. 

"Okay, okay I get it Christmas is important, but I never really had one so I wouldn't really know all this stuff. You know what how about I spend my Christmas with you, then you can learn me how Christmas is." Harry offered.

"We would love to spend Christmas with you, but we have also invited our family's over so yeah, but you and your mom are of course welcome to join us, your sister too, we would really enjoy spending Christmas with you, and then you would get a chance to meet our family's" Liam said as he hugged Harry from behind.

Harry leaned into Liam, "Really would it be okay if we join?" Harry asked insecure. 

"Of course darling, you're welcome anytime" Louis answered. 

"Thank you, I'll talk to my mom later" Harry answered.

The rest of the day was spent with cuddles in bed and a nice Christmas movie playing on the tv to get everyone in the Christmas spirit, and to be honest Harry really enjoyed the movie and the thought of spending his first real Christmas with his Alphas.


Heyy soo I hope you enjoyed this chapter, and again I am so sorry for taking so long updating, I hope you have an amazing Christmas, and maybe I will update this again soon with the boys Christmas, it all depends on how motivated I am, and of course also how much time I have, I am a busy women. I'll try my best to update more often.

Have a good night/day


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