Age of Savitar I

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Caitlin was in the medbay testing how to safely take her necklace off without transforming in a cryogenic monster. She wishes Mon-El was there to help her, like he promised. But he was protecting Kara who needed him more.

She gave up trying to figure it out and turned the lights off in the medbay. She gathered her things and was leaving the building when she was grabbed by a speedster with a blue lightning trail.


Cisco entered the cortex to find Barry, who was picking up some papers that were blown away. "Hey Barry." Cisco called to his friend who was hunched over staring at a piece of paper.

"Hey where's Caitlin? She's usually the first to arrive and last to leave." Cisco asked. Barry didn't respond but instead turned to Cisco and handed him the paper.

I have Someone of yours in my possession. Hand over Kara or Caitlin Snow is no longer. -Savitar.

Cisco looked up at Barry's scowling face. "What are you going to do?" He asked.

"I don't know."

"Are you going to do it?" Cisco asked causing Barry to look at him incredulously.  Cisco raised his hand in surrender.

"Call Iris, Joe and HR. I can't be here to know what you're planning and what's going on." Barry spoke before leaving Star labs.

Cisco did as he was told and in record time the team had arrived.

"Cisco what's going on? You texted 911?" Iris asked walking into the cortex. They found him pacing the cortex.

"Savitar took Caitlin." He said causing everyone to pause.


Caitlin was bound to a metal pole in the middle of an abandoned warehouse. The speedster was polishing his suit and she tried getting out the shackles.

"I wouldn't try that." He warned, not even turning to look at her. Caitlin glared at him as he chuckled. He finished polishing the suit before turning to her.

"Do you know why you're here?" Savitar asked.

"Because you're a Psychopath? Caitlin asked sarcastically. Savitar laughed.

"No, you're a special woman Caitlin." He told her gently cupping her face. She shuddered at his touch. "You have abilities, special ones, you could be of use to me." Caitlin scowled at him. He stroked her cheek lightly.

"Tell me where Kara is." He whispered. Caitlin took a moment pretending to consider, when in fact her mind was made up already.



"Anything yet?" Iris asked, nervously biting her nails.Cisco was working on tracking her phone.

"Not ye- Oh! Got it, between Wesley Avenue and and Shyer Boulevard. That's the abandoned industrial district." Cisco said.

"Great so let's go rescue her." Joe said to Cisco who was already getting up.

"No, that was too easy." Iris mumbled to herself. "No!" She exclaimed.

"What?" Cisco asked. "What do you mean no?"

"Cisco, Savitar is smart, there's no way he was going to let it be that easy to find them unless-"

"Unless it was a trap." HR spoke up cutting Iris off.

"So we're supposed to let Savitar just kill Caitlin?" Cisco asked exasperated.

"No, but we can't just go in blindly."  Iris told him. Cisco sat back in his chair fed up and scared for his friend .

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